BETA: Chrome Capture for Channels

Most likely because of the res that is set. You got to set the res on your computer to 1280x720 or 1920x1080 in order to not have black bars. I think investing in those cheap dummy hdmi plugs may do the trick for stuff like that

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There is a code to make full screen something is not working on your end.

So I may have to write another js script for puffer. I cant seem to do any settings on the url before screen goes full ( I need to click to unmute and select channel) . Is there an easy way to delay the "full screen" option on this script?

Odd stuff with NBC/Bravo these are 2 NBC links that normally open the correct channel
As of a day or so Bravo ONLY opens to the NBCNow news channel. If i copy paste the link it opens properly in Chrome All other NBC channels open fine

Any ideas??

#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="Bravo (East)",Bravo (East)

#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="MSNBC",MSNBC

fixed by going back to old style of linking



Hey guys, I am not getting any lag on nextpvr (but it has some bugs), can you guys help me fix the bugs on nextpvr?

Our main problems are A) opus, and B) HEADER issues.

You're gonna have to use another tool as CC4C is locked in to use opus audio. Thats why I finally gave up using it and opted to get a HDMI encoder instead.

As for nextpvr issues, you'll have to ask the developers over there. I haven't used NextPVR in a while so I'll be no help there

I got audio to work in many of my tests, I keep having a few bugs, but when video plays its pretty reliable.

UPDATE: It works with no bugs.

Sadly it doesn't quite work great on lower end hw. I added these arguments but didnt work

    videoCodec: 'h264_nvenc', // Use NVENC for video encoding
    audioCodec: 'aac', // Use AAC for audio encoding

With my 3060 gpu and 3600x cpu I don't get any lag, but my 1070 and i5 7th gen I struggle every few seconds with hiccups even with pretty solid optimization on the pc.

@tmmm1 what can be done to delay the full screen on a page (I want to click a few things first before hand). I have tried putting delays in with ai and they work for pages that dont have video (to get to the video), but if it has the video I cant do anything.

I think a load balance/round robin could help reduce lag some too. I am thinking of going from 7th gen i5 to 6th gen i7

Just to clarify the real reason for the issue was not a bug in NextPVR, it simply doesn't support makroska live streaming input and it is documented that NextPVR only supports IPTV with mpegts or hls streams. The other issue was no HEAD (not header) a HEAD return would have told us the Content-Type from the beginning.

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