BETA: Craft your own experience with Personal Sections on tvOS and iOS

Is it currently possible or planned that when a channel collection is pinned to the custom sidebar and selected that there is an option the channels can be displayed in a grid guide format instead thumbnails? For example the e plus docker source is incompatible with thumbnails. The same thing happens when you assign a channels collection to a button row, a choice of grid guide or thumbnails would be great.

A grid guide layout is not going to be an option. But I can look at improving channels without art.

I'm confused by this, because EplusTV does in fact have thumbnails for their airings.

Yep, you’re right the espn’s have thumbnails. Not sure why they weren’t showing up a few days ago. Looks like there are a few not showing up the Fox sports and BTN networks that I get through the e plus docker. Not sure you can really do anything for them or not. Might be a case of junk in junk out. ??

Yeah, it kind of is. There still might be some work that can be done to improve this, but it's certainly tricky. The best we can do is drop the channel icon in there though.

As of the latest TestFlight beta and server pre-release, List layouts are now available for Pesonal Sections.

You can now use the same List layout that Playlists and Recent Recordings use with your own Personal Sections.

Additionally, you can now choose to use List layouts when expanding your content rows via the More buttons. This is especially helpful for rows that are based on videos or episodes, as the Flow layout for these can get a little awkward if they're all from the same show.



I just noticed, not sure if it been an issue before latest beta or not...

If i open "On Now" via button row of my Personal Section, I can not back out of On Now section at all. Back button does nothing. I am stuck in it. Have to force close the app an reopen. All the other sections, i can go back to my Personal Section page just fine with the back button.

Can you try describing this in more detail? I know it seems like you pretty much explained it as much as you can, it's pretty simple, but I'm not able to reproduce it.

I made a personal section that has a row on top of content, then a row of buttons, and On Now is a button in it. I put this personal section in the main nav.

So when clicking On Now, I'm at the root of the navigation stack, and it opens On Now. I'm then able to use the back button to go back to the personal section.

Maybe I'm missing something?

That is it. Not sure what else is to explain. I get trapped in On Now whenever i open it from personal section.
My button row is at the top right now, as there is nothing in the Up Next section that is above it.
here is a video. Am i doing something wrong?

While I can't reproduce it, I have noticed a bug in the navigation with the buttons that I think might be causing it. I'll get a build out with a fix in a few for you to try.

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OK, try this build:

Nope still get stuck in On Now.

Not sure if this helps, but i notice that if i scroll down several rows in On Now, Pressing the back button, triggers a scroll up one row and always the far left one, until it gets back to the top of the On Now page.

Oh, I just noticed that you have the Channel Collection filters turned off, this is possibly the problem.

I found the setting I think u mean... in Server side settings.

Yes, enabling that, now there is a filter bar at the top of On Now, and, from personal section, pressing back does exit the section. However, I do not want that filter bar on, I do not need it.

The normal On Now, when added to the navigation sidebar, with no Collection Filter on, works fine, u can exit it by going to the nav sidebar. But when you open it from Personal Collections and have no Collections Filter enabled, you are stuck. I have always had Channel Collection filters off. On Now is the only section that does this.

This is resolved in the latest prerelease.

It is. Thank you!

Personal Sections getting pretty smooth at this point.

Is there a timeline for releases it as Public Stable feature.... or is there still things to be added before it is out of Beta?

Also, I am sure Android users would also love this.

Yep, we're pretty much wrapping up Personal Sections and are ready to call them complete. At least for a first version.

We'll be doing a stable build here soon.

I guess it's worth mentioning specifically that Personal Sections are now available on iOS and iPadOS, not just on tvOS as the thread originally stated.

The addition for the Sidebar navigation was required to make use of them, and that's now available on the mobile apps.

I've been having lots of fun with Personal Sections. Is it on the roadmap to add the ability to add items from a playlist? I can add a button to launch a playlist, I think, but I mean the ability to have a row that displays items pulled from a playlist, so I could see, for example left to right, the thumbnails of the movies in order that are in a playlist as I go down my personal section.