BETA: Craft your own experience with Personal Sections on tvOS and iOS

How would I setup a filter to show only imports? With the forthcoming stream link generator, I'm thinking of adding a section that will list the newly added stream links for newly released episode, but not regularly recorded shows that would appear in Up Next section. From what I recall (and tested) stream links don't appear in Up Next since there is no way of tracking the watched status.

Smart Rules have a rule for imported or not. It works for episodes and movies and videos.

So this is fully available.


Not seeing it. I tried using Advanced but couldn't figure out the right way to write it.

What is your row’s content set to?


You have it set to tv shows.

As mentioned previously, imported is only available for episodes, movies, and videos.

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That was it. Thanks.

When adding a Library Collection as a Personal Section it honors the visibility of the individual shows — which I have all set to Hidden so the shows I like don't show up for other family members with different tastes. So the section appears completely blank. This is different from when I view the collection from the TV Shows section. Is there a way around this?

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This is tricky, but I understand. I’ll see if I can have it ignore the hidden rule in this case.


These are resolved in the latest pre-release:


Updated to this new version... and now I do not see the # Unwatched "Badge" on the icons for my video groups in my personal section.

How do you "Show/Hide" badges now? In the app, or edit personal section on the server UI?

EDIT: AH. Guess i was just tooo quick with app update. Server pre-release just pushed to enable Show/hide badge. :laughing:

As of the latest TestFlight beta and server pre-release, you can now optionally set if badges show on TV Shows and Video Groups.

We're getting close to wrapping up this beta period of Personal Sections before they officially launch.

Along with that comes DOCUMENTATION!

I've added official documentation to our docs. Please take a look at them and let us know if you feel like it's missing anything or could do a better job explaining something.

There is a minor spacing issue i just noticed. I have Up Next as the top section, and a Button row as the next section. Ever so slightly the words get cut off. This happens for all things in Up Next.
Beta 9.8.2028

The Title of the program in up next is too close to the buttons.

Fixed in the latest TestFlight beta:

Are there any plans to add “Search” as a button to add a button row?

No, due to the wonkiness that is the search interface that tvOS provides.

Personal Sections have now been released publicly with Channels 6.0.

Thanks SOOO MUCH to everyone that provided feedback all summer long for this big new feature. We couldn't have done it without you.

This thread will be closed. If you have any other issues, just open a new thread like normal.

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