BETA: Craft your own experience with Personal Sections on tvOS and iOS

As of the latest TestFlight beta and server pre-release, Channels for tvOS tvOS & iOS now supports personal sections.

Personal Sections allow you to build your own views in Channels.

Don't like our choice of presentation for the Movies view? Build your own. Wish you had your own section in Channels for just the content you love? Build your own. Love the new Sports section, but wish you could have one just for Game Shows? Build your own!

Personal Sections allow you to add row based views into your library right into your navigation.

How does it work?

You build Personal Sections in your Channels DVR Server web admin, just like you're used to.

Create a new section, give it an icon and a title, then add customized rows to it.

Once you've built some sections, you apply them to your clients via Server Side Settings, just like you do for Channel Collections.

This means they're available globally, or on a per client basis.

Personal Sections appear in your sidebar navigation under all of your other sections.

How do I build them?

Personal Sections are pretty easy. You simply create a new section, give them an icon and a title and then add rows. Rows are where the customizability comes in.

Choose what type of content a row should show: Movies, Shows, Video Groups, Episodes, or Videos.

You can adjust how they're sorted, which direction, and best of all, they support Smart Rules!

Smart Rules allow you to be creative while adding rows for your personal section.

Rows in Personal Sections support even more properties:

  • Set whether they are a single horizontal scrolling row, or if they're the traditional double row.
  • Set whether the items should show progress indicators or not.
  • Set whether the items should display with thumbnail or airing art (Episodes & Videos)

Beta Test

This is a very early beta of this feature and there will be bugs and there will be further development to expand this feature as the beta goes on.

Current Issues

Currently, the navigation sidebar does not handle unlimited items. If you have a lot of items in your sidebar already, it will over flow. The same goes for the title of your section, so keep it short.

Future of Personal Sections

Personal Sections will be worked on for quite some time. We plan on expanding on what is here now to allow you to create as rich of an experience as you can.

So keep watching this thread.


As usual, thanks for giving this feature a go, and add any feedback in this thread. And please share some of your personal sections!



Just updated both server and app, but, not seeing how to enable this in the app on Apple TV.

I made a Custom Section in the server....

Not seeing any server side settings under Clients to enable Custom Sections to be shown in the app.

Or am i blind (very possible) :rofl:

EDIT: Found it! It is under "Sever Side Only" tree of settings. I was thinking it would be under Navigation.

Made a Custom section. Got it to show in the app.

It not show video thumbnails for each vid, just the generic blue/purple image that is the name of the folder. (This is for a Video media type)

Yes, it's showing the Video art and the Video Group's art, of which you don't have any. It does not show thumbnails, just like the Channels app.

This may change in the future with an option on your row.

Should it not show the individual video thumbnails as it does when I go into the Video group it self?

I added a custom image, for the Video group, not check the box to apply to each recording...
And it shows that image for each video.

I would expect it to show each vids preview thumbnail, as it does when i open it in the Videos section in the app, as shown here. Each vid has its own preview thunbnail.

Aside from the thumbnails thing, great start to a dedicated section for user customization!

I hope this Custom Sections can expand to be a nice All-in-One place users can make use of.

Personally, i would like to be able to have Rows both for local media library related (Video, TV Shows, etc,) and also DVR related rows, like Recordings, Schedule, etc. That would be awesome, if at all possible.

Looking forward to seeing this feature evolve! :heart_eyes:

Thank you for adding this!

And here I was thinking I'd have to wait a while for the feature to be surfaced... :wink:


As of the latest TestFlight beta and server pre-release, Rows now have the option to be shown with thumbnails (episodes and videos).


What a great idea, I love it! Just created a few templates in about 10 minutes - way cool :grinning:. Just to be clear, server side settings only effect tvOS clients, not iOS/iPadOS clients, correct?

Thank you for all of your continued hard work as I greatly appreciate it, Channels rocks!

Server Side Settings work for all platforms.

Custom Sections, specifically as a feature, are not available for iOS at the moment, but future efforts will get them added.

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Perfect. One more question, will we get shortcut support to show these custom templates on other devices?

Thanks again my friend… :grinning:

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Yes, full ecosystem support is planned.

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Cool! I love this feature. I understand how to add recorded game show episodes but is there a way to add an "On Now" section there too so we can add Game Shows that are live on air and/or streaming, right now? (just like the new Sports section)

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Not yet. It is totally planned.


@maddox Found one issue. If you do a single row the text of the movie is covered by the picture. If you do a double row then the text is displayed properly. Not a huge deal but if the pic is white then the text looks odd...

The ability to duplicate existing rows was added as of the latest pre-release.

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This is going to be awesome for a podcasts section

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