BETA: Craft your own experience with Personal Sections on tvOS and iOS

Probably another case of me not understanding, but here goes.

I'm trying to get videos from a specific video group to not show up in a defined personal section. I go into the video group and select Visibility: Hidden for the group. Then I go into the personal section and setup a smart rule as visibility!=hidden.The videos from the hidden group still show up in the personal section.

So I try another approach and define a label in the video group called donotshow. Then I go into the personal section and setup a smart rule as labels!=donotshow for the group. The videos from the video group with the label donotshow still shows up in personal section.

Your Smart Rule is querying videos with those labels, but your label is on the Video Group. These are completely separate.

If you want to filter videos on a label, those videos need to have the label.

This is a known deficiency as the Smart Rules are processed on the content, without reflection of the content parent (Show or Video Group).

It's something we know we need to fix, but it's a tricky engineering problem.

So you are saying that at this time there is no way to omit a specific video group from a personal section definition?

You can omit Video Groups all you want using labels that you applied to Video Groups. The same thing goes for Videos.

But you said you were showing videos in your row. Video Groups and Videos are 2 completely different content types and data items in Channels.

If you want to omit Videos with labels, the label you're using would need to be applied to the videos, not the Video Group.

Ok, got it. Too bad you cannot batch edit the metadata for labels. Having to go through each video individually and set a label is a drag.

With the latest TestFlight beta of iOS/tvOS and pre-release server, you can now create the same button rows you'll find in the Home view and other views right in your Personal Sections.

The buttons serve as navigation items that will take you to different sections of the app. With button rows, you can now craft incredible custom experiences inside Channels.

Now, Personal Sections are no longer limited to views you can put in your main navigation. You can create as many as you want, and get to them via buttons in your main Personal Sections.

Buttons can:

  • navigate to native Channels sections
  • navigate to your own Personal Sections
  • Open URLs

Create a button in your Pesonal Section that links to the built in Movies view. Or create a Personal Section for just a genre, and link to it from your main Personal Section. Or, create a button that kicks you out of Channels and into another app.

We're super excited about button rows because now the possibilites are endless in creating whatever navigation and experience you want in Channels. The only limits are your creativeness. (Well and showing guide data and Up Next items in rows, but we're working on that too.)


This version has compatibilities built in to support your old personal sections, but these compatabilities will be removed in 1 week.

You need to delete and re-add the rows in your personal sections to avoid web admin crashes in the future.

Sorry, but that's beta life.

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Can buttons only be added to multi row section types as I don’t see the option for flows.


I have been playing around with this in the past 30 minutes or so and perhaps I am missing something or doing something wrong.

When I create a new section which I titled "Home" and created it as a multi row section, then I selected "Add Row" and select "Button Row". It creates a default one titled "Movies". Then on that same row there is the the Plus symbol that you can get a drop down with a lot of options to select like Url button, On Now, Guide, Movie, TV Shows, etc.

The only I am able to select to add from that drop down is Url Button. None of the other options do anything when I select them.

In addition, where do I find Urls to put into the Url box to open other apps on the Apple TV? I was able to find one for the Apple TV Plus app and it works, but what about the other apps on the Apple TV? Is this possible?

Can you check your web console for any JS errors and post them?

If buttons aren’t being added, this is clearly a bug.

As for finding deep link URLs, google is your friend or elsewhere on the forum.

I figured it out. Fix on its way.

All fixed with:

Excellent. That works now.

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I’m on the iOS and tvOS betas and I’d like to create a new section for the shows my son likes but I can’t do figure out where the “Custom Sections” area on the admin interface is: BETA: Craft your own experience with Personal Sections on tvOS. I know there’s a kids section but I want to try out this Custom Sections option, too.

Where did Maddox take this screenshot? If I go to Library in my admin interface (I’m on 2024.05.07.1442), I see Up Next, Movies, TV Shows, Videos, Collections, Playlists, and Trash.

Thanks in advance!

Library > Personal Sections

Your Channels DVR Server needs to be on the latest pre-release.

This is awesome. Is there a way that the default Movies and TV Shows sections can be edited as well?

You can’t edit native sections.

Just remove Movies from your sidebar navigation and add your own.

I am really having fun with this new option. Added a screen shot of just some of what I have accomplished so far. Thanks Devs!

One question - you can see in my screenshot I have buttons now to launch Apple TV+, Amazon and Youtube from within Channels. Will there be any way in the future to add their respective icons to the button like on our movies and shows. I notice there a number of icon options in the drop downs. Maybe some app icons could be added? Just a thought.

Can you share the link for Apple TV+ and Youtube? I can't get youtube to work using their direct link

These are what have worked for me:



Thanks! :+1:

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