BETA: Custom Channels via M3U Playlists

I was referring to @sjsaleem's setup where he has a m3u which points back to the dvr's streaming urls.

I found the xmltv info for that Jimi Hendrix show and will be working on a fix. Might not be until post-holidays though.

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There's no way to do this at the moment.

You could delete the recording and move the file into a movies imports folder.

Can't ask for more than that, thanks.

One way to alleviate this is to always allow all recordings set manually through the guide, no matter what, which is the way that I'd expect it to work anyway. I understand not having season passes re-record shows, but if something is manually set through the guide it should record no matter what, even if there are multiples already. I run into this quite a bit even outside of the M3U playlists option when guide data shows only show the main series info, instead of individual series info. This is my only point of frustration with the greatness that is ChannelsDVR, and that's a true testament to the outstanding job you all do.

Thanks, hope you all have a great holiday!


My question is poorly worded. What I want to do is use Channels with a VPN and I don't understand if it enough to only use the VPN with the DVR or should the DVR and the Client (Apple TV) both use the VPN. Apple TV does not have a VPN App.

I'm not seeing how to add the link for guide information. I currently have Version


Can this wonderful new feature be used with individual (free, live) streams we have access to via .m3u8 address only? For example, This Week In Tech ( which does offer an HLS stream:

It would be great to be able to add this to the Channels interface, with or without guide data.

TWIT network offers lots of tech-enthusiast content via RSS for video podcast aggregators.

Yes, see the documentation linked in the first post.

Basically you would select HLS, then Text and enter:

#EXTINF:0 channel-id="twit",TWiT
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The scheduling issue with pluto xmltv is fixed in v2020.11.21.1958

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Excellent, thanks so much. It’s been a few days now and my mind is still blown by how much of a game-changer this new feature is, it’s supercharged Channels in a way I did not expect. I was loving Channels before but this is just ... beyond. And so as we approach the holiday season I want to extend my gratitude.

Thanks for being great developers and constantly innovating your product and service!


Just wanted to report that the pluto-for-channels docker container works fine with Windows 10 / Docker Desktop / WSL2 Ubuntu.

Only minor gotcha is that the docker desktop takes a long time to start on a boot, and if using the Channels 'Run at Logon' option, ChannelsDVR will start before the docker container is up. As a result,
there will be no Pluto channels loaded. Solution is to uncheck the 'Run at Logon' option and set a delayed start at boot task for Channels in Task Scheduler.

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I successfully added TWiT, marked the channel as a favorite, and am watching the stream now. But there's no audio? I am hearing audio from elsewhere in the Channels interface (i.e. menu navigation sounds) and from all other channels too. Just not TWiT. Which is odd because this same stream plays fine with audio in my web browser:

Is there something else I should try or is Channels not compatible with this particular HLS video stream? Thanks again.

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Just want to add I see the same issue. No audio with TWiT.

Thanks for the corroboration. Hmm. I also tried changing the audio and video drivers to "experimental" to see if there would be any difference, unfortunately to no avail.

Please submit diagnostics from the app after attempting playback

Ok I just submitted diagnostics after attempting to play TWiT’s stream. Thanks!

Is it possible yet to change the start channel for M3u to be a range other than 9xxx without editing the actual playlist?

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this has been asked for many times and the devs have said it's in the pipeline but not likely to happen soon, because it's a major change.

Understood, but I’m not referring to TVE. The new M3u loaded channels.

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i wasn't replying to you, hence the quote in my reply.

but to answer your question: no, it's not possible yet. same premise.

Download the m3u playlist, modify it to have the numbering scheme you want, and then have Channels use the locally saved m3u instead of the online version.

If you want things a particular way and just-so, it requires a little bit of effort. Editing a text file to your liking is minimal effort.