BETA: Custom Channels via M3U Playlists

I have gotten the container setup on my Mac and that is working well. I have updated to Channels DVR Server on my Pi 4 (now ver: 2020.11.24.1838). I point the stream back to my Mac and can now see the channels from Pluto TV and they play very well. How do I get the guide data incorporated into the channel listings? Do I need the container on Pi 4 to use the loopback address or there a file in the container that needs to be updated with my Mac IP address?



Click :gear: > Set Provider, the click USA and change to XMLTV > Custom URL and enter the epg.xml url from your docker. Also click the dropdown after the entry box and change it to reload every 6 hours.

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Schedules Direct will give you the call signs for providers like DirecTV, Comcast, Cox, etc. There is small fee to use their service.

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perfect! Thank you!!!!

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Thanks a ton!

Success! I was able to set up the docker container provided by @Maddox inside the HassOS RPi image! Fantastic work on this stuff, @Maddox and @tmm1!

I am new to playing around with M3U feeds. Are there any other suggestions for legal content that I should look into? Would only be interested in setting up reliable feeds that I don't need to continually fix.

So I got the pluto docker set up and running but I'm having the same issues as using the techzyon urls. I am watching a show live now and it is freezing usually during commercials. Also, if I try to watch the recording instead of live, it won't start. It just spins on my screen and then the pluto blue screen finally appears. I can't go forward and then it usually locks up also. What in the world am I doing wrong? The docker appears to be set up correctly/working.

I just briefly tried another channel and was able to view the recording as it was taping. Could this be channel specific? I need to test more. Could certain channels consistently lock up or not record?


Thanks - you have essentially the same thing that I have. My RTSP path works fine in VLC, including the audio, so like you said, there must be something different with the WyzeCams than the cams you have.

I was curious if you put something else in the text config for the audio piece, but that does not appear to be the case.

Thanks for the info. You helped me confirm that I set it up correctly since your setup is virtually the same as mine and yours works with a different brand of camera.

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Is there an upper limit to the number of playlists or channels? Does the quantity of either or both effect performance?

Each m3u source is limited to 500 channels. Other users that tried more than 10,000 channels reported freezing, so yes, performance will be affected as you add more and more.

With the Pluto addition I am now at 712 channels across 8 different sources; the guide now takes approx. five seconds to load. Edit: This is on the RPi 4.

I keep getting crashes. When going through the guide via Apple TV.

Re Pluto TV streams I keep getting "connection lost" after a couple of minutes, happens on both TVOS and Android TV apps.


Did you add these channels via the shared techzyon .com m3u?
Or did you use the local Pluto docker installation, and a m3u?

More info here: BETA: Custom Channels via M3U Playlists

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I haven't had anyone answer my questions on the same but my theory is these streams whether docker or not are not consistent on all the channels. I think some pluto stations work more reliably than others. I may be wrong, just my experience.

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  • tvg-logo : channel logo url (4x3 aspect ratio)

Is there any more information that can be provided about the "best practices" for adding channnel artwork? I've been creating and adding my own, for my custom channels, and they look absolutely fantastic on my AppleTV's, iPhone and iPad in the Channels apps. They are 4x3 format and PNG.

However in the WebUI, they appear like this:
CleanShot 2020-11-25 at 07.53.41

Is that to be expected or is there a better way to add channel artwork so they appear just as nicely in the WebUI?

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The M3U was from the pluto docker installation.

I'm not sure whether the issue was related to it was originally pulling down US Pluto channels (I may have been on a vpn, or it may have cached the techzyon channels, not sure). I cleared everything this afternoon but this time it pulled down UK Pluto channels - and the stream now seems good.

It was a bit odd with the US channels though, as I was able to record without the connection terminating but couldn't watch live.

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I have had freezing issues with docker just like with techzyon. Your post made me think about I wonder if I am still using techzyon somehow(?). The channel numbers changed so I assumed I am using the docker m3u. Anyways, how do you "clear everything"?

If you find any links send it to me I can publish this on my website to help others :slight_smile:


I'm experiencing issues with the techzyon link as the program data does not populate continuously. I'm trying to figure out Docker. I've installed on QNAP and have stumbled through a little bit of the install, but can't figure it out. Is there a step-by-step resource available on installing Channels/Pluto on the DVR?

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