BETA: Custom Channels via M3U Playlists

What needs to match between the m3u and the EPG for it to work?

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The channel-id in the M3U needs to match the id attribute of the channel element. Also, if you're using the tvg-id tag in your playlist, it should also match. (You can also use the tvc-guide-stationid tag in your playlist, and you won't need an XMLTV file at all.)

if you want to use the guide channels provides, tvc-guide-stationid needs to match the Station variable for a given channel from the DVR.

Could you provide an example? Would make it easier to wrap my brain around,

From your playlist:

#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="test1" tvg-id="test1" …,Test 1

From your XMLTV:

  <channel id="test1">
    <display-name>Test 1</display-name>

Got it. Thanks!

To confirm, "channel-id=" needs to match?

Question regarding TVHeadEnd.

I've noticed at least on the mobile app, not the website. I will tune to a channel and get a No Tuner Available. If I try tuning to the channel a second time it will work.

Is this an issue on Channels or TVHeadEnd?

This happens usually because of a timeout. I notice this when trying to playback remotely and my drive is asleep, and doesn't wake in time before Channels times out. Or, if a TVE channel needs to reauthorize, and it doesn't happen before it times out.

In your case, it's probably because Tvheadend is taking a little extra time to tune, and Channels doesn't wait long enough. The second time around Tvheadend has already warmed up, so it connects without issue.

Anything we can do to increase timeout.

Lastly, I see this happen in some cases 5 seconds.

Correct. The channel-id tag in the #EXTINF line of the playlist needs to match the id attribute in the channel element of the XMLTV. That's the only way Channels knows which channels from the XMLTV correspond to the channels from the playlist. Without it, there is no mapping or relationship between the two.

We would need diagnostics from the app right after the error to see which timeout is causing the issue.

Racmeron would you mind showing an example of a m3u playlist using only the tvc-guide-stationid tag that Channels would recognize pls.. Thxs!!

#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="kabcdt" tvc-guide-stationid="108604",KABC

(Remember, the channel-id tag is mandatory. Also, I would imagine it must be unique, as well.)


@tmm1 If the station ID is used for the playlist, does Channels use the channel name/logo from the Gracenote data? Or will the playlist item's name be listed as the channel name/call sign?

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It will appear as any other gracenote linked channel, i.e. with channel logos and guide data

I believe it uses the guide name over tuner call sign but I am not sure.


Good to know, thanks. That's what I assumed, but haven't bothered to try it out.

@tmm1 is it possible to do this?

No way to do that right now.

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thanks! wanted to make sure i wasn't missing something obvious.