BETA: Experimental Imported Movie Matching

@Edwin_Perez In general you won't see anything special in the logs (beyond occasional warnings about retrying due to rate limits, which is completely normal).

The only thing that will happen is things that were matched will now show up as "Recorded" when you look at the guide or search for upcoming airings of that movie.

Understood. That's perfect because that's my favorite thing to do: nothing. :laughing:

@mjitkop well, you do need to enable the Experimental Imported Movie Matching setting to get the new mapping of import IDs to guide IDs :smile:

This is what I see .... Imported


3 posts were split to a new topic: Movie being Queued to be re-recorded that are already recorded

That's exactly what it should be doing. We now have the IMDB/TMDB -> Gracenote for those movies.

What was the expected behavior here? What is your Pass for this? Could you submit diagnostics so we can see what's going on?

When looking in the 152 matches of this pass, some matches are not labeled as "Queued", "Recorded" or "Imported". Example with "Dater's Handbook":

When I click on the gear icon:

It just happens that this movie is an imported MKV file in my library:

At least, it's not marked as to be recorded so that's a good thing. :slight_smile:
It's just missing the "Imported" label.

While scrolling down the list, I saw more than a dozen imported MKV movies with the same blank gear icon.

@mjitkop It doesn't appear that your synchronization has happened for some reason. Could you go to Settings -> Live TV & DVR -> Guide Data -> Maintenance -> Refresh Movie Info and hopefully that'll get it to start doing the mapping.

OK, it's in progress now.
Once it's done, anything else I should do?

Nope, just check to ensure that "Dater's Handbook" is listed as "Imported".

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It's still updating movie info. It's on movies recorded in 2022-04 now. It should go back to 2021-05.

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:white_check_mark: Imported file vs. Gracenote station
:white_check_mark: Strmlink vs Gracenote station
:x: vs. XML Guide Data

No luck, @eric. Still showing a blank gear icon.


Where did you get these check marks from, @babsonnexus ?

He's just reporting what he's seen.

Custom Channel sources are not part of this yet.


Oh OK. For a minute, I thought these were new checks introduced with this feature and displayed on the troubleshooting page, and I couldn't find them on mine. :laughing:

@eric @maddox Some feedback.. Found a movie scheduled that was previously imported.

In Library:
