"They love me, they really, really, love me!"
OK, actually it'll be the next build, the wrong thing went out.
Ok, it's quite possible I am doing it wrong or just blind but I am not seeing the changes. I am seeing the same thing as before. I have updated to 2023.09.29.1338 as of just a few moments ago. I still access it with the following link.
Am I just not looking in the right place?
You just installed a bad build with the old UI, the proper one is going back out now. Just bad timing.
Oh okay! Thank You.
OK, now it's up there.
I was fine with the original GUI Admin pages. Had no issues with look or useability.
This new version, just seems designed for use on a small phone screen, since it only show very little at a time, lots of empty space (I am using a 2K 1440p monitor though)
I am ok with the change, nice to see some organization.
However, I will say, that my idea of a all new web UI, would be to go the route of Emby... where it is the is nearly the exact same as the client app interface, with expanded Server Settings section, and also double as a full web browser client interface.
Yes, because that is still currently the new "home page."
URL is https://mychannelsdvr.net:8089/admin/home
What v2023.09.29.1338 did was rename "About" in Settings to "Status" (as @hancox suggested above) and made it the default section in Settings. But it did not make Settings the new "home page."
Agreed, if we can't get the ability to customize the home page itself by choosing which sections (widgets?) we use most, being able to choose which page is earmarked as the home page would be welcome too. Until then, I will just try to always use my new bookmark (...admin/settings/status) and not just "my.channelsdvr.net."
First thing I noticed was I can't get to the stop button if I play a channel on my phone from the web view. I don't normally do this but I will sometimes to test a new change I have made.
Thanks for fixing this so quickly.
Clicking on the Sources section in left hand navigation throws this error for me:
#### A Javascript error has occurred!
Please refresh the browser after reporting this issue on [Channels Community](https://community.getchannels.com/) or to [support@getchannels.com](mailto:support@getchannels.com).
null is not an object (evaluating 'm.videos.length')
Trying to re-scan all channels (YTTV or Philo) results in the following error (version 2023.09.29.1714) :
A Javascript error has occurred!
Please refresh the browser after reporting this issue on Channels Community or to support@getchannels.com.
undefined is not an object (evaluating 'e.$$typeof')
W32@[native code]
AP@[native code]
F62@[native code]
Looks like they just fixed this one with 2023.09.29.1743. I was getting the same error, checked for new pre-release and now the error is gone
AHHHH!!! Changes!
At the very least please position "Activity" at the very top of this list, I believe it's the #1 reason many of us visit the webUI from our phones. This is after scrolling down, on an iPhone 13 Pro Max*
*with Display Zoom set to "Larger Text"
The latest update ( 2023.09.29.1842) tries to setup / onboarding as if it's never been setup before after a reboot. I refreshed the page, and it went away. All settings, etc., seemed to still be intact with no issues.
You don't have any content in your library, what you're seeing is working properly.
Yep you are correct was just setting it up.