We have just rolled out a new DVR build to test out a new Tuner Sharing Buffer to improve visibility and problems that sometimes occur with slow clients.
Currently, it is possible for a single slow client to cause other clients (or recordings) tuned into the same channel to stall and eventually fail. When we have moved to the new Tuner Sharing Buffer we expect these issues to go away.
We've also added additional stats in the HDHR stats view to expose the current size of the buffer to help understand if slow clients are causing issues. They are labeled as buf=
(percentage of buffer filled) and drop=
(percentage of bytes dropped).
Please note: This new buffer does not provide any new capabilities. It is purely to fix bugs and behaviors in the existing mechanism.
Please note: This does not do anything to help with retroactive recording.
Behavior of new buffer
Previously a single very slow client could cause all other clients to stall (and recordings to potentially fail). With the new Streaming Buffer, slow clients will have data dropped but the other clients will continue on unimpeded. In the latest client betas, the client will also see the "Network Tuner Error" notification in the top right corner when these drops are occurring.
The difference in the old and new buffer will be most apparent when having (or creating) very slow clients. The main goal is to prevent situations like this from causing other clients to stall:
Enabling new buffer for testing
IMPORTANT: Please do not enable this feature if you would be sad if your future recordings were corrupted or ruined
We have done every testing and code review we can before shipping this, but with code that is this important to the recording process, it is possible that there are bugs.
We are looking for brave souls and folks who like testing to enable this and let us know what their experience is.
To enable the new Tuner Sharing Buffer, scroll to the bottom of the DVR Settings page and enable the setting New Streaming Buffer:
Please leave your comments on this thread if you see any issues.