BETA: Playlists

Diagnostics submitted.

Regarding my Playlist: it’s named YouTube and points to a folder which is updated with new videos throughout the day. The sort is set to Duration and order set to Reverse. Visibility set to Library. Sort name and labels are blank.

And if you are staring at playlist in the iOS app, and you change the sort in your Channels DVR Server web admin, it does not change the sort?

Again, I'm seeing this work and there's no good reason that only sorting by duration wouldnt' be working, based on how the feature works.

Ok, after testing as you suggested I think I know what is causing this but don’t know how to fix it. If I change the sort order on the server, it is immediately reflected on my iOS device and the videos are sorted correctly by duration. The problem is that as new videos are added to Channels, the duration isn’t immediately reported for some reason and I suspect that Channels tries to sort but cant’t. However, if I wait several minutes and toggle the sort, these videos are then sorted correctly. Any thoughts?

Edit: still more testing with adding new videos and they do seem to be updating and sorting correctly in real time on the server but not my iOS device. I must toggle the sort order on the server in order to sort them correctly on iOS.

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When new videos are added to your Library, there is a slight delay before they're actually added to collections and playlists, this is normal.

In normal use, you wouldn't notice this at all. I think you're a little too focused on trying to see it all happen immediately, when in actual real case usage of the system, that's not really an actual scenario.

While there are still a couple issues with collections and playlists updating, it's for other reasons, which we'll get handled and could possibly even make what you see better, but as for this report, it's working as it should. Things are in fact sorted correctly.

I still believe there is an issue with Playlist sorting not updating on iOS. I did one last test and added two new videos and gave it 20 minutes to update. I then checked the playlist on the server and they were correctly sorted, however on my iOS device, they were simply added to the bottom of the playlist. I even force closed the Channels app on iOS and the playlist remains unsorted. Same behavior on my iPad…

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As of the latest TestFlight beta, Collections & Playlists can now have their options edited directly in the client. This means that Collections & Playlists are now completely manageable with just the iOS/tvOS client without the need for the web admin.

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After looking at it again, Duration sorting was not even actually implemented. It was probably only working because it got sorted on the server. So as of the latest TestFlight beta that just went out, it should work more reliably for you.

Thanks so much, it’s greatly appreciated :grinning:. Will this also work with Apple TV clients?

Yes, it's all the same code.

Great, thanks again :grinning:

As of the latest TeatFlight beta, Playlist now have a better presentation while browsing. They’ll show a sample of the content within them.

Additionally, Images are no longer supported for Playlists like they are for Collections.


Playlists now have their own unique Auto Play setting. Like TV Shows' Auto Play setting, when set to Default, the system setting will be used.

Any chance we might see Siri shortcut support to play a playlist on other device?

That was added last week. It was announced further up this thread.

I was hoping for the option to play the playlist on other device rather than just show it.

Yeah, I guess the only playing option is to shuffle it. I’ll investigate.

Will com-skip work across playlist entries? Example, using daily news, when the last couple of minutes of a program is ads, and another item exists in the playlist will the last couple minutes of the previous program be skipped and the next item played? Currently stand alone programs play until the end, even if they end in minutes of ads.

Playlist tems play back in the exact same way that they play back when played from your library.

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Channels does not auto skip the last commercial block due to commercial indexing not being 100%. We do this purposely and thoughtfully to avoid a terrible experience.

As of the latest TestFlight beta, the Playlist Siri Shortcut actions have the option to automatically play with these new options: Play First and Play Next. Shuffle was already an existing option.

  • Play First - Always plays starting with the first item in the playlist
  • Play Next - Plays the playlist starting with the first unwatched item in the playlist