After a conversation in a topic, I've added Sort Titles to Channels DVR Server. Right now only iOS/tvOS utilizes them, but Android should get it soon.
I wasn't going to post about this specifically as it seems like not only a small little change, but a niche one, and even an obvious one we should have had a while back.
But after going through my own library and utilizing it, I've found it to be REALLY useful. It's really nice to be able to take a franchise that is sort of grouped together when sorted alphabetically, and forcing them to be in chronological order.
This has been great for the Hobbit movies, Harry Potter movies, Marvel movies (Thor, Captian America), and anything that has sequels that don't use numerics in their names.
Anyways, I just wanted to point out that this feature was added, because the neurotic library managers out there might find it refreshing.