Blocking hundreds of unwanted channels

Having the ability to add custom channels from sources like Pluto, Samsung, etc is fantastic however the current channel management is poor. Does anyone really want an EPG with ~2000 channels? Most of the streaming services have hundreds of channels and I'm going to guess that the majority of users may want less than a dozen channels from the source added to the ChannelsDVR EPG.

In manage lineup, can you please add an option to block all channels so that the end user can then scroll through the list and unblock just those channels desired? Manually blocking hundreds/thousands of channels one at a time isn't really optimal. For channel hoarders, it will have no impact as they could continue with the status quo. Thanks in advance.


+1 because i think its a good idea. I would rather opt-in to a channel then have to opt-out.

However, if you want a TV guide that is only stuff you want. Channels collections will accomplish this. Its not the solution you (or I) want. But it does work.

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I agree on this. Pluto, Plex, Samsung custom channels, are way to long. I only want maybe a dozen from each or less, but had to take the time to click Disable on so many. Would be very nice to have a option to Disable all, then i can just enable (Favorite) the ones i want. I use Favorites as the channels i want to see and disable the ones i do not.

I use this: Channels Helper bookmarklet for working with Manage Lineup

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Getting better control over the channel lineup(s) has been requested many times in the past with the developers being consistently uninterested, or trying to point users to some workaround.

Wouldn't it be easier to just use m3u4u?

no... far from it

Forcing users to outside sources adds learning curve to software. And casual users who just want a out of the box experience are left behind. Though CDVR has a lot of techy users. Im guessing the majority are not.

The work around DEVs always push is Channels collections. Which is GREAT!

Bur i like to scroll all channels sometimes. 99% of my channels are crap. I would prefer to opt-in on new channels then have to opt-out.

The bookmarklet thing looks fucking awesome. I already did all mine manually a long time ago, so I have not tested the bookmarklet.

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+1 on blocking channels on sources. I would add it would be helpful to have a "default" setting also - block new - yes/no. I feel like I have to play whack a mole periodically to shut off all the cruft that is added to these types of sources.


For everyone replying to this thread....check this out. Took me about 30 secs to set up and works great.

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I thank you for the link to bookmarklet script although I stand by my comments that this should be functionality included with ChannelsDVR and not require a 3rd party work around.

I totally believe it may have taken you 30 seconds but not everyone here has experience with scripts or has any programming background. Rather than just providing a script, can you include step by step instructions?

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Instructions are at the top of the gist.

Step #2 is no longer relevant and can be skipped.

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There’s probably an easier way, but I believe this is how I did it:

  1. Go to this link: Channel Management Helper for ChannelsDVR (Bookmarklet version) · GitHub

  2. Click on the “Raw” button

  3. I did Command+A on the Mac to select on the text on the page that comes up, and then Command+C to copy it (I believe it is Ctrl-A and Ctrl-C on Windows).

  4. Go to Bookmarklet Maker and paste what you just copied into the JavaScript box (the topmost box). I believe you can leave all the other boxes at their default state (for me, the first three were checked), but someone can correct me on that.

  5. Highlight and copy everything that appears in the bottom box.

  6. You then need to create a bookmark in your web browser, pasting what you just copied into the Address field of your bookmark. UPDATE: Per the post from @john9527 below, you can drag the link/button from the mottom of the Bookmarklet Maker page to your browser bookmarks. How you do this will differ from browser to browser, but I believe one way would be to create any bookmark, and then edit it by replacing the address. For example, you could bookmark, and then replace the “” part with the stuff you copied from Bookmarklet Maker in step 5, above. Rename the bookmark “Channels helper” or some other name of your choosing.

  7. When you’re on your Channels setting page, and go to Sources, and then “Manage Lineup” for one of your sources, you can then select the bookmarklet you just made, and it will add the menu to the page.

I hope that helps. As someone who enjoys tech but has almost no coding experience, I know it can be frustrating at times. People here have been great in helping me along with things that are obvious to them but over my simple brain, and I appreciate their patience with me, and try to show similar patience when something goes over my head. Good luck, and ask away if you have questions.

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There is a link/button at the bottom of the maker page that you can drag to your browser bookmarks...

EDIT: Note that step 5 in the @cyberskier post above is no longer necessary if you drag the link.


Thank you all. I will try this evening. Happy Thanksgiving :turkey::

Can you clarify this step? When I'm on settings pages and go to sources, there is a "Manage" button for each source and "manage lineup" is a nested option but I don't see how you "select the bookmarklet you just made."

Thank you

OK figured it out, thank you everyone this works great and should definitely be included in the Manage Lineup dialogue box.

I think you are right. In the end, it is the type of functionality that would be nice in the product. However, the openness of the Channels DVR system is one of the things that make it so nice. Chrome capture for channels emerged from a set of tinkerer projects on this forum for working around DRM and other streaming problems. I love the fact that features can arise from both feature requests as well as earnest tinkering. I can see lots more potential for bookmarklets to extend the system features. I do think it would be nice to have a more-organized tutorial section of the forum where up-to-date documentation for these projects could be maintained.