Broken skip commercial button with Harmony

Is there any update on this issue? I also use a harmony remote and can confirm pressing the OK button when the "skip commercial" dialog box pops up does not work. The work around is to press the "skip" button I've programmed on the remote.

Along the same lines, can I suggest you fix the interface to still show the timeline when the "skip commercial" dialogue box appears. Since there are times when the commercial skip feature miss-calculates you could be skipping way too far if you select "skip commercial". If the timeline were visible you would know if it's OK to select it.

So I guess you are just going to ignore this bug?

We’ve looked into it extensively. The button we use for them skip button is the same element we use for the Record button and every other button in the app. It’s a mystery to us and is some sort of tvOS problem with IR buttons.

We do our best to support third party remotes, but our primary focus is on the remotes that come with the streaming platforms we support.

thank for making it so the skip button can be disabled at least.

as an observation (also I am not a programmer so i dont know much in this field) but the skip button does respond to ir clicks from the harmony remote you can see it bounce with the click.

I doesnt seem like it is "some sort of tvOS problem with IR buttons" because that would mean we wouldn't being seeing that visual feedback of the skip button responding.
Since the skip button does respond to the IR click it would seem like a coding issue behind the scene that runs after the button is selected.

tvOS animates the button but never calls our code to let us know it was clicked. Like @maddox said we've tried to debug this over many hours and have not been able to figure out what's going on. The code for this UIButton is exactly the same as every other button in our app.

thanks for looking into it

I am hoping after this issue you guys can keep IR remotes in mind when you rollout new features. so at least if needed these features can be disabled in the settings menu if needed..because that first week or two of having to deal with skip button you cant click on was not fun.

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Easy fix is to connect your harmony remote to atv as Bluetooth. Lmk if u need help doing that

I've found that although clicking the skip button doesn't work, clicking right twice (like when fast forwarding) does skip the ad break, so at least there's a workaround :slight_smile:

Long pressing the FF button also works (which is the Skip Forward button).


Nice, thanks!

We have put out a new beta release with a possible fix for this issue. Install using TestFlight via

V3.2.25 was released today with a fix.


Thank you for fixing this


Can't wait to try. I normally use my Apple remote instead on Harmony because of this.

Edit: Works great! Finally!

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