No it really does not show it.,,, But after hearing a Atmos Video through channels and then going back to 5.1 TV was a bit disappointing.
The buffer protection setting is now available in the android beta.
I Agree tired of speedingcheetah bashing firetv, i have 6 sticks on 6 tv work perfectly with channels, hulu netflix etc, what channels SUCKS ON in android TABLENTS specifically Lenovo P and M series, continually lock up hanve to clear all and restart app so fricking anoying.
We also have apple phones and tablets, channels seems ok on them, but the firetv is prefered. I use a Lenovo ThinkCenter M series (bought reconditioned from amazon), and changed to the fast solidstate storage, its been flawless, only issue if power lost for some reason channels dont restart automatically have to log in that magically it works again.
U realize you are saying a lesser developed version of Channels is better.? Everyone has their preference, but does not change the fact that Apple is the premium and priority for Channels Development.
Nothing to do with users preferences in that context.
Sounds like you have poor experience on low end hardware android tablets.
At least Fire Tv is worlds better than Roku.