Bug? commas in tvg-name

I've run into a problem with commas in tvg-name fields.

Not sure if this is an ambiguity with the spec for M3U (since there's a comma at the end) or the way Channels parses the line (i.e. it doesn't distinguish commas in quoted strings like:

tvg-name="north camera, front yard"

from the first unquoted comma, which appears after the last quoted field (usually group-title="something' followed by a comma and the title again).

Since Channels essentially ignores the groups in M3U files, my original attempt of putting cameras into zones as groups, like 'Front Yard', gave me apparently duplicate cameras if I named cameras in different zones with the same name. By putting the 'zone' in the name as well, comma-separated, I got the opposite problem - a bunch of cameras named 'Front Yard', more named 'Back Yard', etc.

This obviously is trivial to work around (I will use a different separator than comma) but it is unexpected behavior from a user's perspective.

If it's not a hassle, could you please ignore commas within quoted strings?

I need a full fledged example because just tvg-name="a, b, c" is parsing correctly over here.

I'll sent you a PM with my M3U file. On further inspection, it may be that multiple commas in the trailing name is actually the issue - the way I'm generating the file means the tvg-name and trailing name are identical.