Bug: Switching between channels in the Quick Guide causes Spinning Wheel and No Image

First channel you select in the regular guide will play fine. While playing if you bring down the quick guide then try to play another channel it just spins and spins with no image or sound. Sometimes takes 2 or 3 times to happen but it's consistent. Confirmed on 2 different onn 4K Gen2 boxes on my LAN.

Problem does not exist on my Pixel 8 Pro in the same environment.

If you back out of what you are currently watching and choose a different channel in the regular guide it doesn't seem to have a problem. Only when browsing between channels using the Quick Guide.

Submitted diagnostics 3 different times between 2 boxes.

Server version: 2025.02.24.1744
ATV version: v2025.02.25.0015

Just updated server to 2025.02.27.0156 and same behavior exists. Diagnostics sent from onn box.

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Tried on onn 4K Pro box today. Same behavior although it may take 3 or 4 times switching channels instead of 1 or 2 times on the non-pro Gen2 onn 4K box before it locks up and spins.

I also noticed that it's the same whether changing with the channel up/down button or going in the Quick channel guide to change channels to trigger it.

I’m also having a problem with my ONN 4k. First channels runs fine and when I switch to another favorite channel, the screen freezes. I’m thinking this could be a hardware issue since I tested the app on my iPhone and it works fine.

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I tested a Tivo Stream 4K today with no issue. It only happens on my onn 4K streaming boxes (gen2) and the onn 4K Pro box thus far and it's every time.

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I found a solution !!! Change the Video Decoder under Settings>Advanced>Video Decoder to Software. Definitely a hardware issue

That's not a solution, it's a bug.


Must be a bug in the onn hardware decoder.

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How about with this build?

I won't be able to test until Fri sorry. Anyone else able to test it?

Im having same issue only on onn 4k. Update didnt help.

Im using ONN 4K Pro .... Had this same issue a few weeks ago Had to unistall app and went with Non Beta app and all was fine I have since installed the Beta along side Non Beta and both are working fine

Just tried reinstalling still not working.

The newest Beta works my bad.

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