Bug with managing channel lineup

I am trying to block some Pluto channels with foreign language movies. I tried using an advanced pass to exclude genres that contain foreign and that was hit and miss. I noticed that most of the movies that I am trying to block are on one specific channel. So instead of modifying my pass to exclude that channel I thought I would just block that channel. The channel is 7391 so I went in to manage lineup and scrolled down and found that the UI only displays up to channel 7363. There doesn't seem to be a way to manage any channels beyond that.

I submitted diagnostics 23462c7e-36ac-4297-bf34-ac1c9ecbc711

They don't appear in numerical order there.

Try searching (Ctrl-F in browser) for 7391.

That did it thanks! @tmm1 wouldn't this still be a bug because I am telling channels what number to start with but allowing it to number them for me.