Built in editor

Not sure if this is possible, but could something be built in channels where we could just adjust the commercials if it was not skipped properly & edit the beginning & end of the video? I save all my videos because I'm not able to watch everything all the time & with how the commercials are some what tagged already, it would save me a good bit of time.

This is already possible. Both the DVR's web UI, as well as the Apple clients, allow you to modify/verify the commercial markers. (This feature is not yet available to Android clients.)

In the DVR web UI: Library > TV Shows > Series > Episode > :gear: > Edit Commercials
In the Apple clients: Library > TV Shows > Series > Episode > … More > Verify Commercials

Oh man I'm gonna check it out. I have some shows recording so once everything is done I'll try it. Thank you.

@racameron I just checked my ATV and I couldn't find the verify commercials option. I am on the latest testflight as well. I use this feature all the time on the webui but I cant seem to find it on ATV. Wait as I type this I am thinking that you maybe meant iOS?

Version History shows it was first available in 4.0.0, but only mentioned specifically for iOS.
For tvOS is just says 4.0.0 got "Tons of other new options to make Channels a little more customizable".
But their blog (news) post under So much more! says ""Commercial editor on iOS lets you adjust the commercial indexes of your recordings"

So sounds like web UI and iOS only.

Ok so I just tried it on an episode. It works really well, but it doesnt edit the actual file saved in the directory. I like it because it really saves time, but if it could include the changes in the actual file it would be great. I like it though. Hats off to the developers.

The reason it doesn't "cut" the recorded file is because you wouldn't want it to "cut" your program accidentally. It just uses time markers for playback skipping. Like chapter markers in an MP4 or MKV file.

I wasnt sure when I first did it so I made a copy of the file. Its seems to be somewhat on the mark for recognizing all the commercials. I'm wondering if they could add something that would maybe make a copy with the edits. I use emby so I save all my media. If they could add that it would be great. I can edit a show & save it in about a minute, but this really does make things easier.

Others are using MCEBUDDY or a video editor like VideoReDo https://www.videoredo.com/en/
I personally use VideoReDo 6 for those shows I want to keep. I modified the Channels DVR comskip.ini to create a VRD Project file for it with all the scene markers and cut points included. Just open the Project file, fine tune the cut points and save the commercial free file to archives.

I used video redo back in the day, but now im.using avidemux. I know of but never used mce buddy. If channels could just add a feature to save the file with the edits.... life is much easier. Doing that would let me add more.to my collection, after I buy more hard drives. I hope they are reading this :crossed_fingers:.

No, Channels never modifies your recordings. What this feature does is modify the commercial markers saved beside a file. (And if you use the extra features for EDL or JSON sidecar files, those are updated, too.)

What does edl & json do to the file? I do t have that selected so im not sure.

Using ATV (Channels v4.5.0), I also cannot find this 'Verify Commercials' option

It’s only on iOS and web.