Bulk Disable SD/DRM Channels

Hi - long time Channels user (and HDHomeRun user - I use the crappy HDHomeRun app on my Mac) I whipped this tool up today because I wanted to disable all the SD and DRM channels on my HDHomeRun at the source, and I didn't want to click each individual channel.55%20PM

It detects your device, and then lets you click one button to disable all SD channels, all DRM channels, or re-enable all channels. It super rough, but I can post it somewhere if people would be interested in this.


Cool! I would suggest posting it up on GitHub.com

Indeed - I was actually thinking I could run it on GitHub pages.

I'd definitely be interested in it, I disable all my SD Channels and DRM channels too.

Enjoy my hack!

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Hi Ben,

First of all I want to thank you for sharing this pretty cool tool. I just tried using it and for some reason it has been searching/looking for the HDHomeRun for sometime now (~10 mins). Is this normal? I'm currently doing this on my Mac and connected to the home Wi-Fi where the HDHomeRun is installed.


I've often used Gary's HDHRUtil for bulk copying channel lineup settings between multiple HDHR tuners.

(Gary is gtb over at the SD forums. He also is responsible for tv_grab_zz_sdjson_sqlite, which is for outputting XMLTV files from Schedules Direct data—invaluable when using MythTV or Tvheadend.)

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