Bulk editing channel "favourites" and "preferred channels" for on later


Is it possible to bulk edit channels for favourites / hidden? What I mean is can I go into "manage line up" and bulk select all channels to "hidden" and then pick what I want as a favourite? Its a long process going through each channel from each source to edit favourites. There are some source I have where 75% of the channels I would set to "hidden".

Also when setting up the "on later" function, I have to click each channel (so for me its movie channels) to add to "preferred". It would be good to have the channel list and be able to select a number of channels at once. Is this possible?

Preferred Channels in On Later are just that, preferred channels. It lets you tell On Later which channels you like more than others and it will push airings from those channels to the top of list.

All channels are used in On Later. It's just that it favors the Preferred Channels.

Setting most of your Channels as preferred will practically give you the same results that On Later already gives you.

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Here's a bookmarklet you can use that adds these functions to each Sources page, it's been super helpful. Thanks to @kman0!

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