Call for Submissions: Please submit a large collection of your NFO files


We're looking at finally working on NFO support for our scanner but we need your help! In order to do this well, we need a large sample of NFO files across a lot of different peoples' libraries.

You can help by creating a package of your NFO files and submitting them.

What to do

Please collect a large sample of your NFO files that range across multiple media types: Movies, TV Shows, Sporting Events, Concerts, Home Videos, Internet Videos, etc.

It would be even best if you were able to maintain the same directory structure that your media currently exists in.

Helpful Scripts

If you want to be daring, you can try to use these scripts to duplicate an entire directory tree while ignoring any file over 20k bytes.

  1. Bash Script
  2. Batch File

Where to put it

Please visit this Google Form and answer the questions and upload a zip file of your NFO files.


I can help with this. How would I go about separating out the NFO files from my folders to just upload them and not all the video files?

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Even if you just mimic it by creating a sample directory structure as the one you have, will work. Just drag and drop the files.

If you want to be daring, you can try to use these scripts to duplicate an entire directory tree while ignoring any file over 20k bytes.

  1. Bash Script
  2. Batch File

Um...10MB limit? mine is already 20MB and I haven't even included my TV shows lol (66 MB as it's working on my shows lol)

And sorry I don't understand the question "Please describe your folder and file structure and how your NFO files relate to your media files"

I used the trash guide so I didn't even have to think about anything for Sonarr and Radarr lol I just let it do it.

I've bumped the limit to 100MB. I didn't expect compressed text files to reach over 10MB, lol.

If you used the scripts above (which I assume you have since it's so large), then it will copy your directory structure, so we'll get what we need.

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Would it be ok for me to include a text file that elaborates on the naming / organizing structure & rules? Also, on the form, the section about images… it’s a radio button and not a tick box. I might want to elaborate in more detail than a radio button.

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feel free to add any notes you want inside your upload.

There's a field for Other for you to use with text.

Yay Uploaded. Looks like I had to use something like winzip as windows built in zipper didn't like some of the folder/file names(like AlienÂł).

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One question,

Was one of those links supposed to point to a Windows batch file? They both go to the same bash script page.

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Gah, fixed. Thanks!


Thank you, batch file worked great! File submitted.

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By NFO files, would these include the .txt files that are generated from the metadata of recordings downloaded off of TiVos? I have a ton of these with many of them for files that haven't even been brought into the Channels Library yet.

No. They’re XML files.

Those were TivoToGo (pytivo) metadata files. I also have a lot of them from TiVo recordings.
Some of the earlier ones had gracenote (tms) movie, show and episode program id's.

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The bash script created a 9.3gb file on my Kubuntu machine. I removed .edl files and it was 9.0gb, then I zipped it down to 7gb. I'm now scp-ing it up to one of my webservers and will send you a PM with the URL tomorrow when the upload is complete. I'll chmod it 755 so you can get it.

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9GB of text files?

This is more information than we could possibly use. If you would like to slim it down, then it would be more useful.

now 24mb with Database and Logs removed

Here is a sonarr nfo file - often use that to make them

  <title>Episode 1</title>
  <plot>Richard continues on his quest to destroy as many caravans as possible, and James May makes his debut. Tough-man Vinnie Jones is the Star In A Reasonably Priced Car.</plot>
  <uniqueid type="tvdb" default="true">296219</uniqueid>
  <uniqueid type="sonarr">108067</uniqueid>
        <language />