Can’t permanently delete imported movies

On my first import, I included several movies that I had recorded on HBO a while back. They didn’t play in Channels which isn’t surprising as you don’t claim to have support for protected content. When I realized that, I’ve tried deleting them from the server, iPad, phone , shield. It works temporarily, but then they keep showing up again later as blank thumbnails. If I select, it, I can see what it is. How can I get rid of these permanently?

Trash and delete does not current work for Imports while it's in beta. We'll be adding it soon.

Delete the source file that you are importing, or otherwise remove it from the path that Channels scans. Then you can select "Prune Deleted" from Settings > Local Content > Maintenance.

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Thanks, that seemed to work. I just assumed that the were gone since I chose to delete, but see the were still in the source folder. Deleting them there directly and then using the prune option seems to have done the trick.

Starting with v2021.02.24.2307, imported videos which have been sent to Trash will be deleted off of the disk when the Trash is cleaned out. This fixes the issue where deleting an imported video would make it reappear after a few days (when it got scanned in again).

Does this also apply to PlayOn recordings? I have been deleting them manually from the server and then running Prune Deleted. So, I can now just sent them to Trash like any other recording?



Great. :grinning:
