Cannot authenticate Xfinity anymore

Starting today I stopped being able to authenticate TV Everywhere with Xfinity. Nothing has changed on the account or setup side. I can view streams through the browser still, so not sure what is going on. Has anybody seen this or have any tips?

2023/06/30 12:40:19.268599 [TVE] Auth starting for Comcast_SSO as [USERNAME]
2023/06/30 12:40:20.206324 [TVE] action=auth mvpd=Comcast_SSO requestor=nbcentertainment
2023/06/30 12:40:20.546796 [TVE] action=version product=Chrome/114.0.5735.198 jsVersion= protocol=1.3 revision=@c3029382d11c5f499e4fc317353a43d411a5ce1c
2023/06/30 12:40:20.550450 [TVE] action=navigate url=
2023/06/30 12:40:20.553865 [TVE] action=request type=Document method=GET url=
2023/06/30 12:40:20.697548 [TVE] action=request type=Document method=GET url=
2023/06/30 12:40:21.050071 [TVE] action=request type=Document method=GET url=
2023/06/30 12:40:21.050088 [TVE] action=auth_domain
2023/06/30 12:40:23.091650 [TVE] action=wait_for_page
2023/06/30 12:40:23.471741 [TVE] action=error_response type=Other error= url= ip=
2023/06/30 12:40:23.507970 [TVE] action=error_response type=Other error=net::ERR_ABORTED url= ip=
2023/06/30 12:40:26.169418 [TVE] action=request type=Document method=GET url=
2023/06/30 12:40:26.305914 [TVE] action=request type=Document method=GET url=
2023/06/30 12:40:26.561694 [TVE] action=request type=Document method=GET url=
2023/06/30 12:40:26.561714 [TVE] action=authed
2023/06/30 12:40:26.561729 [TVE] action=wait_for_page done=true reason=auth_finished
2023/06/30 12:40:26.567914 [TVE] action=cookies num_domains=2 num_cookies=23
2023/06/30 12:40:26.609312 [TVE] action=error_response type=Document error=net::ERR_ABORTED url= ip=
2023/06/30 12:40:26.727288 [TVE] Auth failed for Comcast_SSO: authn: 401 : Data not found

I was seeing similar errors in the logs when trying to add and authenticate with DirecTV Stream, it appears that the system was completely unable to reach the authentication web page. In my case, it resolved after a few hours and I was able to re-add DirecTV Stream. Something has occurred over the last few months that has made this unstable at times, whereas for years before it was completely stable.


I am getting the same thing ...

2023/06/30 10:40:50.430319 [TVE] Auth failed for Comcast_SSO: authn: 401 : Data not found

Somethin must be messed up with their auth servers.
Trying here from a browser, I pick Xfinity, get a green checkmark and it goes back to pick a provider.

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same here, lost all Xfinity channels.

Has to be Xfinity. I'm getting errors on two different Channels servers with Reelz and Sundance.

2023/06/30 12:00:00.007987 [DVR] Starting job 1688151600-ch6085 Canary SUNDANCE Recording on ch=[6085]
2023/06/30 12:00:03.928522 [ERR] Failed to start stream on channel 6085 via TVE-Comcast_SSO: TVE: notAuthorized
2023/06/30 12:00:03.928622 [DVR] Error running job 1688151600-ch6085 Canary SUNDANCE Recording: could not start stream on channels=[6085]: TVE: notAuthorized

2023/06/30 12:40:00.001058 [DVR] Starting job 1688154000-ch6095 Canary REELZ Recording on ch=[6095]
2023/06/30 12:40:00.725291 [ERR] Failed to start stream on channel 6095 via TVE-Comcast_SSO: TVE: notAuthorized
2023/06/30 12:40:00.725406 [DVR] Error running job 1688154000-ch6095 Canary REELZ Recording: could not start stream on channels=[6095]: TVE: notAuthorized

2023/06/30 13:00:00.002533 [DVR] Starting job 1688155200-ch6085 Canary SUNDANCE Recording on ch=[6085]
2023/06/30 13:00:01.773848 [ERR] Failed to start stream on channel 6085 via TVE-Comcast_SSO: TVE: notAuthorized
2023/06/30 13:00:01.773909 [DVR] Error running job 1688155200-ch6085 Canary SUNDANCE Recording: could not start stream on channels=[6085]: TVE: notAuthorized

2023/06/30 13:40:00.000586 [DVR] Starting job 1688157600-ch6095 Canary REELZ Recording on ch=[6095]
2023/06/30 13:40:00.659667 [ERR] Failed to start stream on channel 6095 via TVE-Comcast_SSO: TVE: notAuthorized
2023/06/30 13:40:00.659725 [DVR] Error running job 1688157600-ch6095 Canary REELZ Recording: could not start stream on channels=[6095]: TVE: notAuthorized

But Magnolia works

2023/06/30 12:20:00.003018 [DVR] Starting job 1688152800-ch6108 Canary DIY Recording on ch=[6108]
2023/06/30 12:20:01.665819 [TVE] stream timestamps: diy: start_at=2023-06-30T12:19:01-07:00 end_at=2023-06-30T12:19:30-07:00 live_delay=27.368791545s
2023/06/30 12:20:01.666240 [TNR] Opened connection to TVE-Comcast_SSO for ch6108 DIY
2023/06/30 12:20:01.666742 [DVR] Recording for job 1688152800-ch6108 from TVE-Comcast_SSO ch6108 into "TV/Canary DIY Recording/Canary DIY Recording 2023-06-30-1220.mpg" for 9m59.996726026s

2023/06/30 13:20:00.001934 [DVR] Starting job 1688156400-ch6108 Canary DIY Recording on ch=[6108]
2023/06/30 13:20:01.635138 [TVE] stream timestamps: diy: start_at=2023-06-30T13:19:01-07:00 end_at=2023-06-30T13:19:30-07:00 live_delay=27.275131219s
2023/06/30 13:20:01.635333 [TNR] Opened connection to TVE-Comcast_SSO for ch6108 DIY
2023/06/30 13:20:01.635655 [DVR] Recording for job 1688156400-ch6108 from TVE-Comcast_SSO ch6108 into "TV/Canary DIY Recording/Canary DIY Recording 2023-06-30-1320.mpg" for 9m59.997922777s

Ditto - about 1/2 the stations now say this, but the other half is fine
authn: 401 : Data not found -

Checking at a couple other websites.
CNN works
ESPN works
TNT works

ABC local feed not working
BBCA not working
CBS local feed not working
CBS Sports Network not working
CSPAN not working
Disney not working
FXM not working
FYI not working
Hallmark not working
History not working
NatGeo not working
Paramount says Xfinity said not authorized
Science channel says Screenshot 2023-06-30 at 16-22-06 Link TV Provider & Activate Device - Science Channel GO
TVLAND says Xfinity said not authorized

If it's not working on the network websites, it won't work in Channels DVR.

Damn. Same here. And just has to go out the weekend of the new season of Dr. Pol on Nat Geo Wild. And when most people gonna be visiting and want to watch tv...

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Same here. Just tried again and got "no login form found".

Try to log into NBC sports and get the green checkmark and back to provider login.

Sad thing is it's like dealing with tivo, takes forever to get someone at xfinity who actually knows something about TVE.

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Its a Holiday Weekend, and a long one for many, since the 4th is a Tues.
So Wed the 5th is when most folks get back to work.
So...I don't expect this to be fixed anytime soon.
WHo knows if it a Channels thing they need to fix, or a Xfinity side thing....

Xfinity auth

Logged in fine for me on NBC website, but would not stream NBC, cause my ad block makes it error.
Their stream app works fine still, but i know that is unrelated to TVE auth.

Today is the day Comcast removed Peacock Premium form their included with services, perhaps is related or just coincidence.

What happens when you try to authenticate here?

IF xfinity/comcast wants to move fully to streaming , they have to get thier act together. ALL friggin' day and its still dowm? Just imagine (years ago) if a major channel went off the air for a whole day? heads would roll at headquarters.....

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I keep getting kicked back to this
Screenshot 2023-06-30 at 18-51-51 Watch Nat Geo TV Live Stream Online - Nat Geo Wild Schedule

TBS works when I select Xfinity

It seems to be only certain channels....

You can get the links to the different network sites here