Cannot connect Shield remotely (but can manually)

I've encountered an odd problem with remote streaming, which I definitely had working at some point before now.

When I enable remote access Channels is able to automatically map port 8089 via UPnP (though I have also tried just setting it manually myself), but when I try to connect to it sits loading for a very long time and eventually times out. When I try to connect via the iOS app it launches Safari to, which says "Your Channels DVR Server at home cannot be reached".

I figured it was something to do with port forwarding but if I try to go to my IP:8089 in the browser manually I see a "enter authorization code" box. If I click to get a code and submit it I do have full access to the DVR, so clearly the forwarding is working to some extent. Is there something extra that I'm maybe missing in the setup here?

EDIT: I might have a partial answer. Some time ago I tried setting up Channels on another machine (in a different location) and having looked up the IP my subdomain is pointing to, it seems to still be that old location. So it seems it now won't update with a new location. Any ideas on how to fix that?

Did you uninstall the software on the old computer?

Unfortunately I think the machine got wiped while Channels was installed on it. I tried installing and uninstalling on the replacement OS (it's a Raspberry Pi) a little while ago (in case this was tied to MAC address or something) but that doesn't seem to have changed anything.

Can you email [email protected] with the domain name and the IP shown on

Also click Help > Submit Diagnostics on the dvr web UI

An update to this: I am an idiot.

The other Channels install was taking me down completely the wrong path. The actual problem was that my Shield box was connected to a VPN. So if anyone discovers this thread after searching for the same problem: are you on a VPN?

Thanks to @tmm1 and everyone at Channels for the prompt service. And apologies for needing it :slight_smile:

Did the "Help" page with troubleshooting checks have any warnings or errors on it for you? We try to detect these situations and let you know about them.

It actually did! It indicated the IP address disparity to me. But for whatever reason I didn't think to click on it, it was only when @tmm1 told me to go to submit diagnostics that I clicked.

Maybe it's just me but I tend to associate a "Help" button with old-school help files, and I'd already looked through the FAQs on the site. Maybe if it was labelled "Troubleshooting" I would have clicked? This could also all just be me, though...

it should be called DVR Status or Status not help.