Cannot connect to Remote DVR as the new App update indicates

A new update for the iOS app came out today that indicated I could watch my recorded programs by accessing my DVR remotely. Each time I attempt to do this, I get the following warning, “**DVR Access Failure, An SSL error has occurred and a secure connection to the server cannot be made.” Anyone else getting this and/or know of a resolution?

Please check your DVR web settings page at the bottom, and make sure Remote DVR is enabled.

What does it say next to the Manual/Automatic switch for port-forwarding?

I’m having similar issue. I try to connect to no avail. Remote DVR is on It keeps spinning when it’s Requesting HTTPS Certificate.

This is a bug. I’m working on a fix which will be available shortly.

The HTTPS certificate issue has been fixed with the latest DVR update. You can click the “check for updates” button to upgrade.

thank you!!

When switched to automatic, it says “Your router can’t be discovered. Enable port forwarding for TCP port 8089 manually.” And when I switch to Manual, it says, “Configure your router to forward TCP port 8089 to

You need to login to your router to add the port forward. Google your router model number to find instructions.

I can now log into the Remote DVR, but as soon as I close the Channels App on ATV it seems to log me out. Every time I reopen the app I have to reauthorize. Is there anyway to have that Remote DVR remembered so I don’t have to authorize each time I open the app?

The app is supposed to remember across restarts. It’s possible there’s a bug. Are you using the ATV away from home?

eljefe - i wouldn’t suggest posting your IP address publicly like that. just sayin’

Good call thank you.

Yes, logging in remotely.

Quick note- it does still think I’m logged in as it gives the option to “logout”, but the tuner does not show up (along with no channels, dvr, etc.).

What if you leave the app and go back to it?

Yep same thing. If I leave and come back without actually closing the app, the tuner disappears.

Can you take a photo of before and after and send to [email protected]

Will do. Thanks!