Cannot get Remote DVR Connected

I have search and read the forums, instructions, and everything else I can think of. I am stumped.

For network configuration, I am running a Calix fiber modem, and a Synology RT2600ac router in AP mode, with my computer wired into the Synology. Computer is a XPS8700 I7 running windows 10 as my media server.

On my Calix router, I have a DHCP reservation for, which is the static address I have assigned to the computer. My internet connectivity and others things work fine.

I set up port forwarding on 8089 as shown below.
Is showing that my port is unable to connect. I suppose it is my own port forwarding problem, not the DVR, that I am not connecting. Any help would be much appreciated.

My guess would be the Synology WiFi Router is getting in the way. But, since I know neither device, it's just a guess.

I'm curious: Why do you have two routers? That's just asking for grief, IMO.

The Synology is in access point mode. It should be a pass-through. I have logged into the Synology and confirmed is passing the IP through as I would expect. I suppose it could be goofing something up though.

The house is fairly large. The Calix is on 1 end of the house (where the fiber comes in), and the Synology AP is upstairs at the other end of the house (where the office is). With this setup, the house is very well covered in wifi, and much of the devices are even hard connected.

Port Forwarding is not available when the Synology router is configured for Wireless AP (Access Point) mode.
See help here
Note: Under this mode, the Synology Router will not provide the following functions/settings under Network Center: Port Forwarding, Local Network, and Traffic Control.

One presumes that when it's operating in that mode it's acting as a bridge, not a router. It's unclear if that's the case.

Right. There is no specific setup for port forwarding in AP point mode. But doesn't it just act as an Ethernet switch? Wouldn't port forwarding be controlled by the Calix router(which I set up), and not the AP?

From the manual...
Under this mode (also known as the Bridge mode), your Synology Router bridges all network interfaces (LAN, wireless LAN, and WAN) and therefore has five LAN ports (LAN 1-4 and WAN) available to wired clients. In wired respects, your Synology Router is equivalent to a network switch.

Misunderstood you. Thought you had setup port forwarding on the Synology router.
Maybe your ISP is blocking that port?

Is it possible your ISP is NATing the external network it's putting you on? T-Mobile's doing that now, so when my Internet connection fails over to my backup Internet connection: No remote access for me.

Will the Calix fiber modem/router tell you what it thinks is your external IP? If so: What's it telling you? Then if you go to something like, does it yield the same IP address?

It's a good thought. The IP my modem is reporting and the IP reported from outside websites matches.

I actually have a VPN service that I normally run, but I am not running it while trying to get this to work. If/when I get this to work, I will then work on passing through the VPN.

Does my port forwarding snapshot in the original post look correct?

Success! Port forwarding is working.

There are 2 ways to port forward on this router: pick the IP, or pick the device. I changed the method to pick the device, and removed the static reservation. Now I can confirm from other websites that the port is open. I can also access port 8089 from my phone on wifi and on LTA and see the dvr.

Thanks for your help.

That makes no sense to me, but I'm glad you got it working.

In answer to your question: Yes, the port-forwarding config looked correct.

So now I am stuck on the final step of connecting my DVR for remote access....VPN issues.

Remote access works fine without my VPN connected. The VPN I use supports port forwarding, but does not allow me to define the port on their server. It assigns me a random port (which it then reserves), then forwards it to the port I define. I have port forwarding working on that VPN, and can confirm I can get to my port 8089, but the assigned port on the server is something different. The VPN has no way of whitelisting or splitting a service off of the VPN connection.

On my forum searches, I found a post from 2017 that Channels can only use 8089, and cannot be assigned to any other port. This inflexibility means I have no way of directing Channels DVR to my computer. Is this feature coming? What else can I do?

When using the remote connect feature, you can copy the link on the Authorize button and change the 8089 in the url to another port, then paste it in the browser url bar.

It worked! Thank you.

I suppose that must be a newer feature. A cleaner interface for that in the future would be very helpful.

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Yes, please make it an option to enable a different external port in the DVR settings, where the remote connection will automatically use that port when authorizing.