Cannot record Masha and the bear - Spectrum

Each time I have problem with this show, I tought that my server went sleep but no. Even when active there is disconnecting from stream and not record properly.

What does the DVR web UI show on the Log tab at the time when the recording was supposed to happen?

Recording ch6063 for Masha and the Bear until 10:00PM.

in log I see:
2019/09/06 21:54:09 [ERR] Error during stream TVE-YouTubeTV ch6063 SPROUTP: Failed to download file: 403 Forbidden
2019/09/06 21:54:09 [MTS] Statistics for "TV/Masha and the Bear/Masha and the Bear S01E00 2018-06-19 Three Mashketeers We Come in Peace Call Me Please 2019-09-06-2130.mpg": skipped=0 unhandled_packets=0 discontinuity_detected=0 transport_errors=0 invalid_pts=0 invalid_dts=0 saw_pcr=false saw_pmt=false highest_pts=0.000000
2019/09/06 21:54:09 [TNR] Closed connection to TVE-YouTubeTV for ch6063 SPROUTP
2019/09/06 21:54:09 [DVR] Job 1567798200-ch6063 Masha and the Bear ended prematurely: 5m50.4054s
2019/09/06 21:54:09 [DVR] Starting job 1567798200-ch6063 Masha and the Bear on ch=[6063]
2019/09/06 21:54:09 [DVR] Waiting 3h35m50.391767s until next job 1567812600-ch6751 Masters of the Universe (1987)
2019/09/06 21:54:10 [TNR] Opened connection to TVE-Spectrum for ch6063 SPROUTP
2019/09/06 21:54:10 [DVR] Recording for job 1567798200-ch6063 from TVE-Spectrum ch6063 into "TV/Masha and the Bear/Masha and the Bear S01E00 2018-06-19 Three Mashketeers We Come in Peace Call Me Please 2019-09-06-2130.mpg" for 5m50.391747s

I assume as being outside USA even with smartdns redirection Universal Kids may not allow to access stream :frowning: however inside Spectrum app. I asked Getflix to investigate.
Additional info. Don't know why but according to Channels Guide and "Masha and the bear" is now on Universal Kids. However YTTV in their guide claims it is "Masha Spooky Stories" - there are totally different shows? Can anyone confirms?

The TVE streams come from the network websites not the cable provider servers, and most of the network servers have blacklisted all the popular VPN and SmartDNS IPs.

Our TVE integration is aimed at US residents and we do not support any other type of usage.

Thanks. Ok we shall see, I am in talk with people at my smartdns provider maybe they figure it out something. It is not easy to put even Rpi4 connected somewhere in USA. I understand you dont support non-standard setups but aim of the Channels was to watch tv truly everywhere otherwise there is no point and we should all switch to Slingbox :slight_smile: