Can't Add Hulu Live to sources

Are you re-adding the source or just updating the password? I had a similar issue that resolved itself after i removed and completely re-added Hulu.

Though, to be fair about a week later they sent another 2FA email when I tried to tune to a channel.

Their system has gotten to be quite obnoxious even for non-channels users.

@Dxcv ill give that a try.

@eric the strange thing is that channels doesnt bother asking me for the 2fa code like it usually does

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@eric i tried deleting and re-adding the tve source and i get this graphic. Channels doesnt give me an opportunity to enter the 2fa code


I suggest before nuking it. After you create a new password at Hulu update the password in channels twice before rescanning a channel.

Edit. Too late now

Yeah i tried updating it 3 times before and no go. Would it be better for me to install a channels server on a desktop os like ubuntu desktop? Then i could try authenticate to hulu through the chrome browser without the headless chrome issues?

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Without diagnostics right after a 2fa code, I don't have the info I need to potentially improve this.

3 times with the same new password? I have a theory that for some reason channels doesn’t always take the password change when update it. So then it tries to use the old pw. I’ve had good luck when I update the new password twice back to back in a row in channels drop down. If you use an old pw Hulu always spits a code.

It helps to verify the machine will authenticate using the pw but I’m not sure if it will help now that you nuked it. Worth a try I guess.

I just repro'd and submitted right after

in the past did channels ever provide a place to enter the code when rescanning a single channel? I have never seen a place to enter a code after a single channel scan and I have never started new since they implemented being able to enter one. I assumed it was just for starting from scratch

it does. i've gotten it for each media company, such as fox, discovery, etc

Well that would be extremely handy. I have never ever seen a prompt to enter the code into channels. What operating system does your server run on. I run Ubuntu desktop

This worked for me running on Windows 10 pro.

Thank you!!!

I am running an LXC on Proxmox. Debian 12-based

@eric, if it helps, this is how I was able to do this in Python last month:

But, if it has changed and doing what Disney+ has been, this is how I resolved that (just have to change the url):

@eric I know others have had success with desktop operating systems so I tried Windows, and Ubuntu Desktop and neither seems to work unfortunately.

The update last night has something to try to catch the new 2fa code.

no go for me although it did prompt me for a code this time but it failed

@eric is there something else I can try? TVE is effectively dead for me and nothing I do (change my password multiple times, try different OS's, etc) works

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The latest pre-release may work, but I'm really not sure. They're doing some weirder things here than usual...

sadly no go