Can't delete failed recordings in web admin

Delete button no longer works to delete failed recordings in the DVR- >Schedule page. I'm running the 4.03 pre-release server.

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Is there an error message in the log?

No, my guess is this is a new bug introduced with the admin reorg.

What I'd really like to see is what TiVo has, which is a separate History section that shows all of the key events that happen like recordings deletions failures etc. It would be a totally separate category than Schedule and you could basically bury it in settings or something so that you wouldn't have to see it unless you wanted to.

In this case, you're gonna have to submit diagnostics after you click on the Delete button, and report here once that's done. The developers will need this to investigate.

You can submit this as a feature request in Channels DVR Server > Feature Requests.

Yeah, I've submitted multiple features requests based on my experience with TiVo and they've all been ignored.

I'm not going to bother with this further, just hope the devs see it.

Unimplemented feature requests are no reason to not report a bug.

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