Can't play some RTSP streams

Continuing from my very old post (ignore specifics--behaviors/logs old/useless)

I want to use Blue Iris as an RTSP server and Channels as the client -- using Custom Channels. VLC plays all of the BI streams. But Channels only plays some of them and errors on others.

the URI are like rtsp://

shortname can be an individual camera or multiple cameras in one feed

I'm using Source Text Like

#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="BI-SN1-rtsp" channel-number="0.006" tvc-guide-title="SN1 RTSP" tvc-guide-description="SN1 RTSP" tvc-guide-placeholders="false" tvg-logo="" tvg-name="SN1RTSP",SN1RTSP

Channels plays all of my individual cameras fine but cannot play any of my multi-camera feeds. I cant find glaring issues/differences in any of the feeds.

the multi-camera streams last for ~3 seconds and then stop (spinny circle followed by "Reconnecting..." and then eventually "Remux running: xxx" but the feed never begins again)

I used ffmpeg (using same binary/parameters Channels uses) to generate files from the multi-camera streams and then imported those files as Videos-- Channels can play them.

I am aware BI can also serve h264 via m3u8 but that doesn't work either (for a separate issue I'm already working with BI about).

@tmm1 @maddox Is there more I can do to troubleshoot this? I can hook you remote access to my feeds if you'd like to try directly.

EDIT/UPDATE: I just realized the issue is only on the web interface. I saw my BI streams were broken on my TV (via FireTV) and then started making m3u changes and testing on the web interface-- and never went back to see if it worked on TV, which i just tried, and it works. So this isnt as big a deal for me since I don't use the web interface much. Still an issue though.

I run BI and have my multicamera feed working in channels. Tomorrow I'll throw up some screenshots of my config and we can see if there are differences between mine and yours. There is an issue if I select always use Hls streaming in channels. When I do that the camera feeds just die after showing the first frame.


@jkister Sorry for the really late reply here.

Here is a snip from my channels config for my multicamera setup
This first entry is a 6 pack view of my cameras.
The second one is a patrol view of all 6 cameras in a 7 second progression
The third one is another patrol view of just my 4 front yard cameras

#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="AllCamerasView" channel-number="0.1" tvg-logo=" " tvg-name="AllCamerasView" tvc-guide-placeholders="false" tvc-guide-title="All Security Cameras" tvc-guide-description="Live View of All Cameras" ,All Cameras

#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="AllCamerasPatrol" channel-number="0.2" tvg-logo=" " tvg-name="AllCamerasPatrol" tvc-guide-placeholders="false" tvc-guide-title="All Security Cameras - Patrol" tvc-guide-description="Live View of All Cameras - Patrol" ,All Cameras

#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="FrontPatrol" channel-number="0.3" tvg-logo=" " tvg-name="FrontCamerasPatrol" tvc-guide-placeholders="false" tvc-guide-title="Front Security Cameras - Patrol" tvc-guide-description="Live View of Front Cameras - Patrol" ,All Front Cameras

Here is my group config for AllCams

Here are my encoder settings

Here is my 6 pack view from Channels