Can't record CBSN

All of a sudden, can not record CBN Minnesota. 6796 No record button. since last night.
What would cause a no record button to show up.

Could you submit diagnostics from the app?

Channels without guide data cannot be recorded. We don't have guide data for the CBSN local feeds and never have. Are you sure you recorded them before?

Thought i did> been too many channels of coverage...

why not. it has data in that its a channel.
It even says on the banner and guide "CBS4 News Live from Minnesota"
Isnt that sufficient data to record?

Just checked, and i see I cant record the Adult Swim channels that are 24/7 one show, like Rick and Morty.

Please make these record able and just use the channel it slef meta data or whatever.

I don't believe so, because there is no duration in the guide. Perhaps this might be implemented when manual channel/time/duration rules are implemented, but currently it's not possible.

As a workaround, you can use Ffmpeg to ingest Channels' stream of the feed you're interested in, give it the duration you'd like to record for, and a filename to save it as.

i just have been using a screen record software on my laptop to record the web stream in clips...

but until the last couple days, with the warzone i find myself in the middle of....i have not had a want or need to record CBSN.

How about just set a default record duration automatically, like 60 min...when there is no guide data.

So,,,what about "Guide Data" that is present on my 2.5 TPTNOW....all it says 24/7 is tpt Local Weather and Radar.

I can record that channel fine at any time. it is a 24/7 weather different than CBSN 24/7 news station.

The difference is that Gracenote is providing guide data for your local 24/7 weather channel, but no one is providing guide data for the TVE 24/7 channels.

On the surface it appears to be the same situation, but technically they're two different scenarios.

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Add me to the list of users who wishes you could find some solution to allow recordings of these channels. As others have suggested maybe fake guide data in hour increments or add that manual recordings feature many of us have asked for in the past?