I have a Virtual Channel set up. I have the "Sort" set to custom.
When I try to move movies around, they don't move. Clicking on the movie poster and holding the left mouse button down, moving to a new position and releasing the mouse button opens the details about the movie but the movie does not change positions. Tried over and over again but I can't get it to work. Every so often a random movie will change position but it was never selected to be moved - this seems to happen when click/hold on the hamburger menu located in the top left of the movie poster to move the movie.
Latest versions of the server. Using Chrome for the Web Admin page.
I'm seeing the same behavior in Microsoft Edge.
When I originally set up my virtual channels (1+ year ago?) I know I was able to re-order all of the content.
I have had this happen too, but it's just every once in awhile. I mainly use Safari, but when it happens, even switching to a different browser or a different computer doesn't help.
This issue was a mess of bugs that have now been addressed.
The gist is, the collections/virtual channels were basically only showing SOME items in the collection/virtual channel, when there were secretly more. Therefore when you dragged to reorder items, they weren't actually being put in an order that mapped to the actual list of items.
Some reasons why:
Shows without any episodes are hidden by default in Channels. Some shows were actually in the collection, but not shown. -> They are now shown.
Smart Rules were pulling in shows without episodes, and they were then hidden in the UI. -> Smart Rules no longer do this.
Movies that were deleted, were not being removed from Collections or Virtual Channels. -> They are now removed from Collections when deleted.
Episodes and Videos that were deleted, were not being removed from Virtual Channels. -> They are now removed from Collections when deleted.
TV Shows and Video Groups in a Shows Collection were grouped separately, meaning they were being reordered in separate lists when the Collection is actually a single list -> These are now grouped together.
I want to personally apologize for this taking SO long to address. This bug existed for way too long (half a decade almost ) Things should be better now.