Can't seem to get Big10 Network on TVE

The Big10 network on TVE (6199 on my channel list) had been working for me consistently until just a couple weeks ago. Now I cannot seem to get it active on scans. I get the error:

Get "*~hmac%3Dbfd6e194bbdbce29d3be1ecc6250b9d9c2586b9532f48dbfc594e6adc23a2511": dial tcp: lookup no such host

Does this provide any clues as to why it's not linking up?

Looks like a DNS issue. Your server cannot find the requisite host server.

I've been having consistent DNS errors that I've spent 18 months trying to get rid of to no avail. I guess I'm fortunate I can get anything to work at all.

I just tried a dedicated scan again for about the 20th time tonight and it worked. For how long is anyone's guess.

Perhaps fixing your network/DNS issues ought to be a priority ... not just for your DVR, but your entire home network.

"no such host" would suggest the dns server is running so the network is fine. but its responding incorrectly, which could be a bug or due to an ad-blocker

Thanks for this. I've always used ad-blockers (usually ABP), but I would disable it on certain websites. Is there a way I can disable it on the sites Channels utilizes without removing it entirely? Also, do ad-blockers only affect the browsers they're installed on or are do they have a system-wide affect?

You should definitely disable 100% of your ad blocking for the server that is running the DVR. Anything less than that is going to cause you random issues like this one that you'll never be able to track down. Most ad blockers provide a way to out specific machines out of ad blocking.

If it's a browser extension/plug-in, it only affects the browser.
Using it on your router or using something like pi-hole affects the whole network.

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I've only installed them on certain browsers - usually the ones I use the most. I'll check to make sure there are none running on the browsers of the Channels DVR host pc. I guess the puzzling thing is my DNS errors have been affecting everything - most notably MS Office Outlook, which often has trouble sending and receiving email whether a browser is open or not.

Ah, sounds like you're not running something like Pi-Hole on your network, so it doesn't sound like you're running the sort of ad blocker that would impact your DNS. It sounds like the issue is likely with your router.

Or it could be a program or service installed on the Channels DVR Server machine.
Any third party anti-virus, anti-malware type software.