Captcha for TVE and YouTube TV

Kept trying and it finally worked.

Kept trying what? Details are appreciated.

I had done everything suggested - upgraded to latest pre-release, toggled local TVE setting, logged into NBC manually using the Channels data/Chrome folder, but it continued to fail.

I know that something usually triggers the request for a CAPTCHA, and that may be reset after some time, so I just kept trying every few hours and magically it worked. I concluded that it was FM!

This process worked for me when trying to re-authenticate. Had to use the pre-release but it worked in the end.

I have noticed, however, that the YTTV local channels are all missing.

YTTV and the authentication hoops are indeed challenging. I agree with the the OP's suggestion that it would be preferable if the YTTV addition could continue despite a one channels failure (like the NBC captcha problem). Reporting failures would be good but at least you could move past that.

Are these commands to be run in Terminal? As I mentioned in another thread, after having authentication work on one machine, I'm now at my wits end trying to move my install to another machine, where authentication doesn't work there. I tried running the first command in Terminal, and get a "command not found: chromium". I do have Chrome installed.

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