Cascading problems, now unusable

I too am affected by the latest Xfinity TVE password reset issues...again.

I reset the password xfinity password, and can get into the account, but cannot connect TVE on Channels. I am hoping it works after a 48 hour time out.

I have 17 recording that failed in the last 48 hours. I cannot get Channels to delete those missed recordings.

I tried to schedule recording the NFL games today on my OTA, and they will not record. The Settings page continually says "Scheduling new recording jobs.", but doesn't seem to be doing anything. I've tried deleting and reloading the guide with no luck. The troubleshooting page shows everything is good to go.


  • TVE Broken
  • Failed recordings won't delete
  • New OTA won't record

I submitted diagnostic logs.

Click-and-hold the Check for Updates button

Thanks for the quick response! I checked yesterday and didn't see an update. Looks like the update just rolled out today?

After update, I can clean out failed resordings, it jump started my scheduled recordings, and I can actually log in to TVE now.

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