CDVR Server on laptop not working

Hi guys, quick question I installed the CDVR server on my laptop, but when I put my computer to sleep, I can't access my CDVR. Is there any way I can get around this? Also, when trying to remote access, nothing plays. I did a configuration on my network, but nothing plays. Do you know what I'm doing wrong lol?

Sure. Don't put your computer to sleep. Channels is designed to run all the time.

Did you open port 8089 and NAT it to the internal ip of the dvr? You could use uPnp as well if that is turned on in your router.

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So you have to leave it on the whole time. Lol, why does my Nvidia shield work when it's powered down? I have a CDVR server in there. It plays while in remote access

That has to do with how a laptop works and a Shield works, not with how Channels works.

Becuase it isn't powered down, it is still running. Servers need to run, don't fight it.

Who's fighting lol?


And the objection to doing this would be?