Celeron J1900 4 core 2GHz

Was going to pick up a NAS to replace my shield as the DVR backend but a Synology NAS plus a drive comes out quite expensive in the UK (£400+).
I can pick this up off Amazon plus 8GB RAM plus 2TB drive for £210


The specs suggest it should transcode as it supports Quick Sync. Is that what we are looking for in a processor?

Also if it is good enough what linux flavour do you prefer? I would prefer not to install X or a Desktop Environment but keep it as CLI (I'm an old hand with SSHing into FreeBSD as a server in the pre-cloud days but FreeBSD seems not a viable option due to lack of transcoding). I'll be running it headless in the loft attached to the same switch that my 2 HDHR CONNECTs are attached to.

I have that same processor in a Dell. It’s a few years old but transcodes just fine. We use QuickSync

A barebones Ubuntu install is probably simplest

Is there any reason barebones debian wouldn’t work rather than ubuntu which is based on debian as I understand it? You use your own version of ffmpeg with QuickSync enabled don’t you? Does the kernel need any particular drivers?

Either will work. Any modern kernel has the i9x5 drivers built in.

Thanks. I’m on holiday right now but I setup a Debian 9 VM on virtual box. on my MacBook. Minimal(ish) install - just SSH and standard system libraries from the install ISO. Then added sudo, nano and net-utilities just for convenience. ChannelsDVR installs and works fine (no tuner to be found though of course). Took 20 minutes.

Got back off holiday and new PC waiting for me. Trouble with this device is that the SATA port can only supply limited power. Will not supply the 1A a 2.5" FireCuda 2TB drive needs. Beeping drive and no BIOS. A 0.55A 500GB drive I had laying around works fine.

Just to update this old thread so it is factually correct. The 2TB HDD was the problem - jammed read-write head. Replacing it with a 1A 1TB drive worked fine. Has been humming alone without a hitch for past 6 months.