Channel Categories would be sweet

Now with so much more streaming content to choose from, the functional delta between "All Channels" and "Favorites" is pretty large. It can be a chore exploring for something different to watch or listen to.

I'd love to be able to create custom categories to put some other genres of entertainment on the sidebar.

For example, I'd add a "Music" category.

We should also be able to disable the display of "HD Channels" and "SD Channels." Or just toggle them off when they don't provide useful information. For me, "HD Channels" is identical to "All Channels," as "SD Channels" is completely empty.

Thanks for the consideration. And for the amazing product. I freakin' love Channels DVR.

I've been thinking of hijacking the 'drama' section in the 'on now' list and using it for something else. Didn't know what though. You're kinda asking for a 2nd, 3rd, etc favorites menu with the ability to call it something else? Music in your case?

I agree it'd be nice to have some control over the visibility of the existing categories and create a couple of other custom groups. Though I think that would be dependent on whether the team can provide the ability to manage those groups at the server level for all clients as otherwise, management and consistency at device level would be too onerous.

And I really like how the current groupings are dynamic, based on content playing now - e.g. channels move from news, to drama to sport to movies based on what is on - I'd like to retain that.

I've been thinking of hijacking the 'drama' section in the 'on now' list and using it for something else.

Well, "drama" is one of the preset "smart" sections, they leverage each show's metadata, so we can't hijack or change those. I'd love to have the ability to hide some though, like Kids, and the aforementioned HD and SD, because I never use them.

You're kinda asking for a 2nd, 3rd, etc favorites menu with the ability to call it something else? Music in your case?

Yes, basically. Manually-created custom lists that contain specific channels. A family member might have a different set of favorite channels they prefer to select from. Or, in my example, I have a bunch of music (and music themed) channels from various TVE providers and they are scattered around in the guide. I don't want to add all of them to Favorites, so I thought a custom channel would be a good idea. Worthy of discussion, at least :slight_smile:

No, just reuse it. Change the name in the app and label all your music's metadata 'drama'.... hide the other stuff somehow. Or something. I could probably figure it out, but it would just be a tedious workaround for something that is easy for the devs to implement.

Where y'all at? @tmm1 @maddox

Make it call an entirely different metatag. Is music already a metatag?

Only 3 instances of the word drama in the app files. Wouldnt be hard to call it something else and make it show a different metatag's stuff

I agree it'd be nice to have some control over the visibility of the existing categories and create a couple of other custom groups. Though I think that would be dependent on whether the team can provide the ability to manage those groups at the server level for all clients as otherwise, management and consistency at device level would be too onerous.

Agreed 100%. If this were to ever happen, I imagine it would be after the long-discussed channel/favorites syncing feature arrives, which hopefully won't be too far off now that the server is getting functionality that controls settings on the clients.

And I really like how the current groupings are dynamic, based on content playing now - e.g. channels move from news, to drama to sport to movies based on what is on - I'd like to retain that.

Also agreed, 100% That's a great feature. If we could create more "smart" categories, like Music, I'd be grateful, but in the absence of that, a more basic way for us to be able to manually create multiple themed "Favorites" with category names of our own, would be cool too.

I agree would be nice to have custom filters and categories

Hey guys, we just release Channel Collections to beta. Fun fact, we were working on this when this topic started :rofl:, great minds!

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OK, wow. This is incredible, I can’t even!

I’ll just say it again:

Seriously, y’all rock.

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Beautiful, can not wait to see it on Android. Any idea when continue to next Episode in the DVR will migrate to Android? Thanks for all the hard work and support