Channel Collections and Automatic Channels Rules

How far ahead do the Automatic Channels rules look.
Is it everything in the guide data, or is it limited?

Automatic Channels rules apply to airings currently on right now. They are used to pull the channels into the collection based what's currently on.

I guess it's not very clear in the docs, we'll try to clear that up soon. The whole point is that it's building out your collection based on right now. If it was the future it wouldn't make much sense.

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It isn't clear. Thanks.

I guess we just thought it was little more obvious, as what's the point of pulling channels into your collection based shows that are on 4 hours from now ¯(°_o)/¯

Yah, but for one who never used Channel Collections (me) it would be good to know that.
So it's more like a What's On Now, but selective.
I just figured "currently airing" meant it was in the guide data, not "ON NOW".

Think of it as a way to build ways to find specific things that are currently on, and to watch.

Sports is the perfect example. As your collection will always show all the sports that are currently on. Or maybe someone likes True Crime, you could have a collection that only shows that stuff. Then of course Movies is a good one too.

But with the rules, you can do whatever it is that you like.

Got it. So it's like looking at the current vertical timeline in the grid guide with all your channels and you're selecting which of those will appear based on your rules. Just didn't know it was about "On Now".