Using TiviMate with Channels DVR for a few years now. I have always wanted to use Channel Collections as the source m3u since the channels are in the order I want and and in the groups I want.
This weekend I wrote a program and was able to accomplish this -- generate a m3u file with the channels in order of the Collection and assigned to groups using the name of the Channel Collection. Love this.
When I hit the Channel Collections endpoint, I get the list of channels for each Collection, but there is no indication as to the source for the channel (TVE or Pluto for example). Channels that are provided by both TVE and Pluto (think Dabl, Comet, etc.) were causing me a problem with my code. I use the Devices endpoint to get the data necessary to build the #EXTINF entry and the http URL.
My work around was to disable Dabl and Comet in the Pluto channel listing and test for "Hidden" in the Devices data to ignore the configuration for that channel.
Is there another endpoint that connects the Channel Collection channel list with the Devices used for the channel in the collection?