Channel incorrect

Who do I report an incorrect channel to?

What does incorrect channel mean?

The data is incorrect. Ch. 91 is WGBH World (WGBH 2.2). Instead the listings are for WGBX 44.1. I don't know what the issue is, as it's been correct up until about yesterday.

Can you check the official HDHomeRun app on phone/tablet/pc and see if it shows the correct data?

I don't see where the program data would be in the HDHomeRun app.

Can anyone assist with troubleshooting this issue?

Is there a correct channel logo for that channel in the official HDHR app

The app has no logos on any channel, just text.

Please click Submit Diagnostics on


Thank you.

On the dvr web UI, click the pencil under your hdhomerun. Scroll down to channel 91 and click the pencil next to it, then type "world". Does it show the correct result to pick?

No. World is not an option.

How do I report this error?

Can you email [email protected] with your HDHR device ID and tell them you don't see any guide data in their app

Does SiliconDust handle the program guide portion? They've done what they need to do, just need to know who to notify for the next step in Channels.