Channel logo

Is there a way to define the channel logo in a M3U file.
I use EPG for IPTV as EPG provider and they have Channel logos on most of their channels but some are missing and when Broadcast companies change channels or logo design, they do not update Logos automatically.
Support at say that this has to be changed in the M3U file, however I do not have any reference to Channel logos i my M3U file so it falls back to the ones supplied from
This is what I get from their support

You can change the URL of the channel logos by clicking the logo icon in the editor next to the channel's name.
You change the logo in the m3u file, not in the xml file!
Many apps take logos from the XML file by default. If you don't see the new logo, change the settings in your app to get logos from m3u instead of xml!

You can change the logos only if you have set the option "use iptv-epg icons" in the editor. That's the default setting.

Is there anything I can change in the M3U file that has an impact on how channels logos are displayed in Channels ?

You can try the tvg-logo tag.

(However, if a logo is defined in the associated XMLTV guide data, I believe that will override the logo defined in the M3U playlist.)

I have no idea where to add this tag in the M3U file and how is it referenced to a logo png image just by adding this tag.
I don’t see the connection

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Tags are entered on the #EXTINF line for a stream. For instance:

#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="test-channel" tvg-logo="https://host.tld/test-channel.png",Test

This is how my M3U is structured.
Where would you add the tvg-logo and could this be a local png file or does it have to be linked to a URL?


It goes after the duration (0 in your example, but it really should be -1 for a live stream), but before the ,, so:

#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="..." tvg-logo="...",DR 1

(The channel-id tag is a requirement for Channels.)

And it can be a local asset, as long as the Channels DVR process has access to that location; just make sure you use a full absolute path and not a relative one.

And forgive for probably asking stupid questions but what is the channel ID?
And if I watch TV on a device outside my network the path to the png has to be a URL.
Is that correct?
Last… where is the xmltv file stored locally when retrieved from my EPG provider.
It might be useful to be able to look through this file

It is a unique identifier for that particular channel/stream.

No, it can be an absolute path to the asset, as I previously stated. It must be accessible to the DVR. I have not tried to use a local asset when viewing remotely, so I do not know first-hand if it will work, but my intuition leads me to believe it will.

It is parsed and entered into Channels' own database. If the XMLTV guide is a remote asset (such as from an internet provider), the file itself does not exist locally on your DVR: it is downloaded, parsed, entered into the Channels DVR, then discarded.

Please read the provided documentation:

And do you know how to locate this unique identifier for a channel/Stream ?

How does channels DVR prioritize from where to get the channel logos.
Is it from the M3U file if a reference is tagged here or is it from the XML file if a logo URL is referenced here.

This is a line from the XML file
<**channel id=""><display-name>DR 1 DK</display-name><icon src=""/></channel>**

If you update to prerelease there is a setting that lets you choose

As of until now it only looks at the XML file - right ?

I believe it only looks at M3U

Ok thanks - That worked fine :slight_smile:
I have 2 sources, a sat>ip network tuner that use a M3U file and a HDHomerun.
Now I can control the logo in the M3U file but is there a way to control the logos that comes from the HD Homerun. I divide my 2 sources for different client, and I would like to be able to do the same with the HD Homerun. Stacking of channels from 2 different sources, is that possible or is this only possible if I use the same type of tuner?
I tried enable stacking by channel, but it sorts of messed up the channels. EPG information went to the wrong channel

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