There appears to be something wrong with channel logos. I've tried refreshing station logos and re-downloading the entire guide, but it has not resolved.
Yes there is def an issue. My guide data is not loading/updating at all. I have different sources for channels and the ones that are not loading are the ones i specifically assign a zip code and provider to. They are not loading at all.
Silver lining - it’s not you, it’s not me, it’s “them” - so at least we don’t have to go crazy trying to figure out what we broke or what we changed. Likely just a waiting game now and checking here for status updates.
Have you tried to delete and recreate database under web ui > settings > live tv & dvr > guide data maintenance gear.
2023/12/17 14:45:42.759163 [ERR] No stations available in lineup USA-DITV573-DEFAULT during guide data download: Gracenote error 1005: invalid_lineup_id
2023/12/17 14:45:42.759277 [ERR] Failed to get placeholder channels for lineup USA-DITV573-DEFAULT: Gracenote error 1005: invalid_lineup_id
I’m showing this in my logs. Either gracenote is having issues or my guide no longer exists. I’ve used the same one for multiple years. Any to check if this is a temporary issue or if i need to figure out another lineup?
Try removing the guide data/ZIP, and then adding it back in. (Gracenote has been known to change lineups without warning.)
This worked. Looks like it was rebranded/renamed. Don’t even see the old one as being an option - new one loads everything and is identical.
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