Channel plays in background on guide

I'm sure this has been asked many times previously. But, for a new feature request is there a way that the channel I'm watching could play in the background when I'm looking at the guide? Similar to how YTT does it where the channel you're currently on plays behind the guide and you can then just click on the title at the top to leave the guide and go back to your show. In my opinion, this would make Channels even better.

There are many threads about this in different forms. The Quick Guide that you can access with down arrow does a pretty good job with it, but not as robust as the full Guide. The other option is the Picture in Picture approach which many people seem to like. It works very sell on Apple TV, provided you are using the Siri Remote. If you are using another remote, then its possible to end up stuck in PiP which isn't good. So you have options.

I saw the setting to turn PIP on but I haven't tried it yet. I'll give that a shot. But, either way still having your current program playing in the background when on the guide or navigating the library would be great.

I too would love this feature but on Andriod Tv