Channel Request: CatholicTV

My Parents would appreciate this being added - it is streamed online with no drm as far as i can tell The CatholicTV Network LIVE | CatholicTV

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They do make it pretty easy. As long as this URL doesn't change (i watched it for a few min, will watch more), you can do this yourself if you want-- just change the channel# (i wrote 0.09) in the text--
Settings -> Sources
Add Source -> Custom Channels
Nickname: CatholicTV Network
Stream Format: HLS
Source: Text

#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="CatholicTV" channel-number="0.09" tvc-guide-art="" tvc-guide-description="We are Americas Catholic Television Network" tvc-guide-title="The CatholicTV Network" tvg-logo="" tvg-name="CatholicTV",CatholicTV Network

Prefer channel-number from M3U
Prefer channel logos from M3U


Thank you i'll use that for now