Channel Source per device?

Not sure how to topic this, or is it even possible to troubleshoot.
So i have server side setup as kiok so the settings can be removed from the app. Great.. good and all.

So i have 3 sources, Kids, Movies, Entertainment. Is it possible to use the option Server Side Only > Sources per device using the cogwheel to only have the source to be showing on that device. So say i want the kids room to only see source Kids by editing that option per the device? As of right now, its some what working if i turn off the kiosk mode and have the settings to be shown and have to uncheck the boxes on the source to be shown. Kinda like the idea to have the settings to be removed, and use the Server side option per device to show sources base on the situation.

This make sense? is this possible, because im trying it and nothing changes, still shows all channels/sources.

Sources in that setting refer to live tv sources like hdhomerun tuners.

For kids, you may want to use the built-in kids feature.

I guess you're referring to personal media sources? There's not currently a way to filter clients by source this way.

correct, i have personal media.
Not using homerun stuff, just using the apps you provided. Be good feature if we can narrow it down by sources per device..if its not one already.

Yes, this is a Server Side Setting.

Choose your client, and add the Sources setting:

Then just add which sources you want the client to use:

This of course only works for Live TV sources, not local content.

If you want to limit content to certain devices, look into label filtering.


Hide content will hide all content with the labels you choose.
Allow content will only show content with the labels you choose.

You will then need to add Lables to your content via your Channels DVR Server web admin.

ok lables. .were is this at again?

sources doesnt seem to be working for custom channels.. what i try to say, and we android devices, not apple. SO it should still work?