Channels 4.0 Beta

Resolved for me too...that was annoying. I would even type in the IP of my DVR and it still wouldn't find it.

App crashes on iOS when trying to delete season pass from library screen and from settings screen.

I donā€™t see a place to set app to connect to channels remotely.

On the Settings tab click the Channels logo button.

I tried out the iOS commercial editor and I like the UI to distinguish movie vs commercial. Slick.

Can you explain what changes after the commercials are verified?

I am assuming that the commercial skip will work accordingly.

If I have external edl files, are those updated?

I usually transcode my Shows and movies (hevc) and have not been removing the commercials because they are never perfect. I can use the markers to forward manually but this isnā€™t convenient as the auto skip of commercials in Channels. I use handbrake but I have used ffmpeg directly.

I could use the channel commercial info to cut out the commercials now if I know if it is changed in the database and/or related after I verify the commercials.



Apple TV: Observing what I think is a small bug. From the Up Next screen, I move Left to bring up the navigation sidebar. I then cannot move Right. I can move up or down to other navigation items and the move Right to get back to the shows, but if I am on the Up Next navigation item, I am unable to move right. Library, for example, does not have this same issue.

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Agreed, the Android screen is much cleaner. I would be willing to click a couple of times to change "categories" as I've set up my Favorites and almost never need to change from that.


I installed the Beta last night and updated the DVR software. I really like some of the UI changes but I found that changing stations and the forward / back skip functions take MUCH longer to load vs. version 3. I have disabled the commercial skip function so I was watching a recorded show (it was also being recorded at the time . . . I was about an hour behind) and trying to skip through commercials was very frustrating. Nothing else changed in my setup.

Update: I also tested watching a Channels recording via Plex. That was very slow as well. I forced an update to the DVR beta (now at 2020.04.21.0328) and things were improved this morning.

Is there a way to repopulate the kids section with my movies folder? I had to delete and re-add it because I moved my dvr to my new synology ds918+ and had to remap the movies directory. When I did that my kids section went bye bye.

I tried deleting and reinstalling the beta app but itā€™s still not populating.

Probably the only way to do it right now is to delete all the Channels app from your device then reinstall the beta. Or on the web UI you can mark movies manually as for kids.

When browsing the search tap on the iOS app, is it possible to see an indicator if a movie or TV show has already been recorded or is scheduled for recording. The web ui puts a status icon to let you know.

Apple TV (4th Gen) - When starting a show, or skipping ahead in a show, the first 2-3 seconds are choppy, like frames are missing or poor slow mo (my description isnā€™t great but hopefully it conveys the message). This happens consistently with every show I watch. Since I am able to easily switch to the non-beta, I can confirm that this is only happening in the beta.

Live local TV, TVE, recording?? Can you be more specific? I've been noticing this on TVE live channels.

I don't use TVE. And rarely watch live/delayed. So recordings are what my comment is referring to.

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Can you submit diagnostics from the app after noticing the issue

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I don't have APTV so I am impatiently waiting until this is out of Beta for Apple and in the works for Android. It's hard, because there are features that I am sorely missing (Auto Play, etc.). However, I do have a couple questions for those of you who have used the Beta.

  1. Does the Beta screen show a clock? Such a simple thing, but I really wish it could squeeze a clock into the menus (Library view, movie view, program view, etc.). I'd actually like to see a clock in every view except when actually watching a program. Even then, the clock would be nice when fast-forwarding or rewinding.

  2. When in the Movie section, is there an easy way to sort/filter by categories (i.e. comedy, action, drama, etc.). I have so many movies now, it is near impossible to find something to watch unless I know specifically what I am looking for. I would be great to filter by the category I feel like watching to make it easier to find something.

  3. Is it easier to tell which program is currently selected in the beta? In the current release/android version, I find it difficult to determine which program is 'highlighted' without paying close attention.

  4. Does it show the channel number of the recording when you click on the program to watch it?

  5. Does it group seasons together at all, or does it still just list all recordings together?

iOS feature request:

You introduced swipe to delete shows which is awesome. My request is to introduce swipe to skip shows in the Scheduled tab.

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Any chance of seeing the ability to import TV show recordings from another source in this release? Thanks!

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iPadOS excessive feature request :smile:: I use a keyboard case which has hardware keys for skip forward and skip back. Iā€™d love to have those mapped to skip forward 30 seconds and skip back 7 seconds, like the virtual buttons. Not sure if that can be done, but throwing that out there. Currently they donā€™t provide much utility, as if I skip forward it will jump to the beginning of the next content following a commercial.

You can do this with the arrow keys like all other video apps. All the normal keys do the expected behavior. This was added a few months ago.

I would suspect that the media keys would use the media library doing the same things that the lock screen does, so it would work automatically. Kinda weird. Maybe itā€™s because they trigger Next Track and we donā€™t implement that because it doesnā€™t make sense for Channels.