Channels 4.0 Beta

Ah OK. Perhaps because it is a single menu item it looked odd. Thanks.

I’m having trouble enabling Kiosk mode on the Apple TV. I navigated to settings, then About Channels, and clicked on the graphic. Nothing happened.

Next dumb question: if I enable kiosk mode from settings, which hides settings, how to I get back into settings to get to the about section to disable kiosk mode? I know I’m clearly missing something here and someone will point me in the right direction.

Click 6 times. Sorry, I blew it on the release notes.

The About view replaces Settings in the side bar, so you’ll still be able to get to it.


New build out:

  • NEW: Kiosk mode - Click/tap the Channels logo in the About view 6 times to turn on Kiosk mode. This will hide the Settings option to prevent anyone from being able to change anything. Click/tap the logo again to get Settings back.
  • Fixed: There were some issues with getting back to content from the new sidebar navigation.
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I like the kiosk mode, but there's a definite shortcoming: In the 4.0 betas, the Schedule, Passes and Trash have all been moved to the Settings; enabling Kiosk mode with disable access to these screens. I can see the benefit of hiding the Passes behind the Kiosk (to preserve Passes and their priority), but you can still modify or delete a Pass even with Kiosk mode enabled.

Perhaps the Kiosk mode needs a few more refinements; or maybe the Schedule/Passes should be moved out of the Settings. (Just my brief initial impressions of this new feature.)

How? When I click on the logo the first time, it asks me to connect at home, away from him, or cancel even though I’m already connected locally.

You need to click on the logo in the Settings > Support > About Channels page, not the top of the Settings. (And you need to click/tap the logo 6 times, not just once.)

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When playing a movie from my local content the watch next screen comes up and won’t go away.

The thing in the bottom right corner?

Can you send a screenshot? Also please submit diagnostics from Settings.

Diagnostics sent

This is on IOS.

It will go away if you hit the menu button once.

New Build out:

  • Improved: Various UI and UX improvements
  • FIXED: There were some focus issues getting to and from the Sidebar
  • FIXED: Library and Recordings views would not update when launching the app after backgrounding it

New build out:

  • NEW: Continue Watching section showing unfinished movies in the Library section
  • IMPROVED: TV Section is back to 2 rows of content
  • IMPROVED: TV Section shows a list of recently watched shows

Installed the most recent client and server (mac mini) this morning. Everything is working great. Good picture on recordings, commercial skip seems improved, very little lag on forward and rewind! Nice update.

Looking forward to moving the channels filters to the sidebar and possibly a time "bar" in the guide to indicate how much of a show is left, etc. I know people say "but Plex has it" . . . but these two changes would be great and I would ignore Plex for good.


What menu button in an iPad?

Haha, I’m a dummy. I was thinking it was Apple TV. My apologies.

The new Library view on Apple TV puts the continue watching for movies up top. Would you consider reverting it to the old layout of the tv episodes for up next on top. I mainly use the app for TV show recording and would prefer to have that be the main view. Thanks!

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Do you have a lot of movies left mid-watched? Is marking them as watched to remove them annoying?

What I wanted to do, but is little bit more technically complicated because of how our app works, is just show movies that have been played a little in the last 3 hours. That way they're there to easily quickly resume in another room, or later on, but also eventually fall off that row keeping things cleaner.

So, they're there to help you jump back into the movie, but they don't last forever. I'll probably just go ahead and do that. I don't love it as a static row that's there ALL the time. But it wasn't clear to me how often movies might stay mid-watched.

Apparently I do! I had no idea. My wife was like, "Why is White Christmas showing up all of a sudden?" I honestly didn't even think that marking them watched would remove them from that space. I don't mind a continue watching section for movies, just seems like the app would be best oriented to TV shows being the priority in the UI since that content is fresher and more watched.

New build out:

  • IMPROVED: Continue Watching now only shows unfinished movies in the last 36 hours